Directions : In each question, a apart of sentence is printed in bold. Below each sentence, some phrases are given which can substitute the italicised part of the sentence. Find out the phrase which can correctly substitute that part of the sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, the answer is ‘No correction required’ or ‘No improvement’.
1. It is sheer folly to believe that you can improve the situation by doing away people.
(A) doing it to
(B) doing away with
(C) doing with
(D) No improvement
2. By temperament the English are reserved, so they prefer to live in solitary houses.
(A) English
(B) English people
(C) some English
(D) No improvement
3. My father agreed with my going alone for the examination.
(A) I go alone
(B) to my going alone
(C) that I go alone
(D) No improvement
4. Mala was hurried to reach the meeting when she slipped and fell down.
(A) is hurried
(B) was being hurried
(C) was hurrying
(D) No correction required
5. He should move on to the next point, and not harp one string only.
(A) harp only one string
(B) harp on string only
(C) harp upon one string only
(D) No improvement
6. The parents became extremely troubled when their son did not return by midnight.
(A) anxious
(B) depressed
(C) sad
(D) No improvement
7. What were you doing ever since I last saw you?
(A) did you do
(B) are you doing
(C) have you been doing
(D) No improvement
8. Are you more cleverer than us?
(A) cleverer to us
(B) more cleverer to us
(C) cleverer than we
(D) No improvement
9. When she takes her exam she will have a holiday.
(A) has taken her exam
(B) took her exam
(C) had taken her exam
(D) No improvement
10. Madan will not be at home until eight o’clock.
(A) in home
(B) to home
(C) home
(D) No improvement
1- (B)
2- (D)
3- (B)
4- (C)
5- (C)
6- (A)
7- (C)
8- (C)
9- (A)
10- (D)
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