English - A Click Away

October 9, 2015    

Raucous (adj)(उग्र,कर्कश,भारी)-Noisy, rowdy
Seema, who preferred quiet conversation, left the rancous party.

Recrimination (noun)(उल्टा दोष,अभियोग,आरोप)-A retaliatory accusation
Pankaj, who was wounded by Sangeeta's remark, made a bitter recrimination.
Synonyms: counterclaim

Redouble (verb)(दोहराना,बढना,बढ़ाना)-To make twice as great
As the sun began to set, Shikha redoubled her effort to find the necklace she had dropped in the field.
Synonyms: intensify, strengthen

Refurbish (verb)(नवीकरण,न्या करना)-To brighten or freshen
Lucifer cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.
Synonyms: renovate, renew

Regale (verb)(भोज खाना,दावत देना)-To amuse
My clever brother Brajesh regaled the dinner guests with tales of his adventures.
Synonyms: entertain, delight

Regurgitate (verb)(उलटे बहना,उगलना)-To pour out or throw back
The teacher wanted us to examine ideas rather than to regurgitate memorized facts.
Synonyms: spew, disgorge

Rehash (verb)(फेंटना,मिलाना,दोहराना)-To discuss again
"Shanti," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."
Synonym: review

Repel (verb)(प्रतिरोध,टालना,रोकना)-To resist, reject
The soldiers made a massive charge to repel the invaders.
Synonyms: repulse, rebuff

Repentant (adj)(पश्चातापी)-Feeling regret
The repentant Pandit admitted to cheating on the test. 
Synonyms: contrite, penitent

Retroactive (adj)(पूर्वव्यापी,पूर्व प्रभावी)-effective as of a prior time or condition
The retroactive law made even past infractions punishable.
Synonym: retrograde
English - A Click Away 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 9, 2015 Raucous (adj)(उग्र,कर्कश,भारी)-Noisy, rowdy Seema, who preferred quiet conversation, left the rancous party. Recrimination (noun)(उल्टा...

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