English - A Click Away

October 8, 2015    

Prudent (adj)(चतुर,चौकस)-Marked by wisdom, shrewd
Shubhas was happy she followed Geeta's prudent advice to study, as the test was difficult.
Synonyms: judicious, sagacious

Prune (verb)(काटना,छाटना,तराशना)-To reduce by removing excess
The candidate pruned his speech so he would not exceed the time limit.
Synonyms: trim, truncate

Punctual (adj)(पाबंद)-On time
Ron was worried when the usually punctual Amanda was late for the show.
Synonyms: prompt, dependable

Rhapsody (noun)(गाथा,चारण गाथा)-State of great happiness
Lucky was in rhapsody when she was accepte to the college of her dreams.
Synonyms: ecstasy, rapture

Fickle (adj)(अधीर,चंचल)-Lacking constancy, changeable
The fickle Senji had a new best friend every month.
Synonyms: erratic, capricious

Salvage (verb)()छुराना,बचाना)-To save from ruin
After the fire, Mrs. Kumar tried to salvage her family photos from the wreckage.
Synonyms: rescue, recover

Rail (verb)(झिरकना,गाली देना,बुरा कहना)-To scold in harsh language
Clay began to cry as his irate manager railed at him for missing the deadline.
Synonyms: upbraid, berate

Ramble (verb)(विचरना,भ्रमण करना,सैर करना-To wander, physically or in language
Professor Tan rambled during his lectures, frequently straying from the subject.
Synonyms: roam, meander

Rancorous (adj)(द्रोही,द्वेषी)-Marked by deep ill-will
The rancorous competition between the two chess clubs actually ended in a brawl.
Synonyms: bitter, vicious

Raspy (adj)(कर्कश)-rough, grating
After shouting to his players through the long game, the coach's voice was raspy.
Synonyms: harsh, abrasive
English - A Click Away 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 8, 2015 Prudent (adj)(चतुर,चौकस)-Marked by wisdom, shrewd Shubhas was happy she followed Geeta's prudent advice to study, as the test was dif...

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