Dear Readers,
Pallid (adj)(धुंधला,कमजोर,अस्वस्थ)-Lacking color
The nurse was worried by the patient's pallid face and shallow breathing.
Synonyms: pale, wan
Pantomime (noun)(तामाशा,बिना बोले केवल संकेतों द्वारा अभिनय करने वाला)-Telling a story through gestures
The jealous actress called her understudy's performance a ridiculous pantomime.
Synonyms: charade
Parity (noun)(बराबरी,मेल,सुमता)-Equality
Hema, to avoid squabbles, aimed for parity in the slices of birthday cake.
Synonyms: sameness, equivalence
Pathos (noun)(मनोभाव,हौसला)-Sympathetic pity
The soldiers cherished the kindly Nurse Nightingale for her pathos.
Synonyms: compassion
Penurious (adj)(कंगाल,कंजूस,गरीब)-Extremely stingy
Manish was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.
Synonyms: frugal, parsimonious
Perception (noun)(अनुभव,बुझ)-Capacity for seeing or understanding
His incredible perception made him the best detective on the force.
Synonyms: cognition, discernment
Periodic (adj) (अंतराल) -Occurring at regular intervals
The periodic innterruptions of the cuckoo clock prevented Sanjana from concentrating.
Synonyms repeated, recurrent
Placebo (noun)(प्रायौगिक औषध)-An inactive substance used in medical testing
Tom, who had taken the placebo, found that his allergy symptoms did not go away.
Plaudits (noun)(शावाशी)-Enthusiastic approval
Anil's painting met with plaudits from the critics, who had dismissed her earlier work.
Synonyms: kudos, acclaim
Ploy (noun)(कार्य,चाल,व्यवसाय)-A contrived plan
Santosh thought Geeta's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
Synonyms: strategem, ruse
As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be conducted on 4th October. So SSCADDA team has decided to launch certain things that will not focus on any particular exam. In fact it will be relevant for all exams that is going to be held in upcoming months. This post is the glimpse of the real picture that we have planned for you folks.

The nurse was worried by the patient's pallid face and shallow breathing.
Synonyms: pale, wan
Pantomime (noun)(तामाशा,बिना बोले केवल संकेतों द्वारा अभिनय करने वाला)-Telling a story through gestures
The jealous actress called her understudy's performance a ridiculous pantomime.
Synonyms: charade
Parity (noun)(बराबरी,मेल,सुमता)-Equality
Hema, to avoid squabbles, aimed for parity in the slices of birthday cake.
Synonyms: sameness, equivalence
Pathos (noun)(मनोभाव,हौसला)-Sympathetic pity
The soldiers cherished the kindly Nurse Nightingale for her pathos.
Synonyms: compassion
Penurious (adj)(कंगाल,कंजूस,गरीब)-Extremely stingy
Manish was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.
Synonyms: frugal, parsimonious
Perception (noun)(अनुभव,बुझ)-Capacity for seeing or understanding
His incredible perception made him the best detective on the force.
Synonyms: cognition, discernment
Periodic (adj) (अंतराल) -Occurring at regular intervals
The periodic innterruptions of the cuckoo clock prevented Sanjana from concentrating.
Synonyms repeated, recurrent
Placebo (noun)(प्रायौगिक औषध)-An inactive substance used in medical testing
Tom, who had taken the placebo, found that his allergy symptoms did not go away.
Plaudits (noun)(शावाशी)-Enthusiastic approval
Anil's painting met with plaudits from the critics, who had dismissed her earlier work.
Synonyms: kudos, acclaim
Ploy (noun)(कार्य,चाल,व्यवसाय)-A contrived plan
Santosh thought Geeta's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
Synonyms: strategem, ruse
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