Dear Readers,
As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be conducted on 4th October. So SSCADDA team has decided to launch certain things that will not focus on any particular exam. In fact it will be relevant for all exams that is going to be held in upcoming months. This post is the glimpse of the real picture that we have planned for you folks.

The meticulous detective found every shred of evidence at the crime scene.
Synonyms: fastidious, painstaking
Moderate (adj)(नियंत्रित,मध्यम)-Tending toward the average
The best-selling writer was disappointed; his new novel was only a moderate success.
Synonyms: medium, mediocre
Mundane (adj)(दुनियावी,निरश)-Practical, ordinary
The flighty Caroline could not be troubled with mundane tasks such as paying her bills.
Synonyms: commonplace, earthly
Naive (adj)(निष्कपट,भोला भाला)-Lacking worldy wisdom
The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.
Synonyms: artless, credulous
Negate (verb)(बेकार करना,नकारना)-To make invalid
Paula negated Tiffany's argument by proving that her main premise was false.
Synonyms: neutralize, annul
Nurture (verb)(पालना,परवरिश करना)-To further the development of
Our cat made a nest of blankets to nurture her newborn kittens.
Synonyms: foster, cultivate
Oblivious (adj)(भुल्लकर,भूलने वाला,अनजान)-Lacking awareness
Love-struck Charlie was oblivious to everyone but the object of his affection.
Synonyms: careless, heedless
Obnoxious (adj)(अधीन,अप्रिय,बुरा)-Highly offensive
The manager asked the obnoxious dinner to leave the restaurant.
Synonyms: objectionable, repugnant
Onset (noun)(आक्रमण,चढ़ाई)-Beginning
Crocuses bloom at the onset of spring, sometimes even before the snow melts.
Synonyms: start, commencement
Opportune (adj)(आसान,उपयुक्त)-Suitable or convenient
Quan stepped onto the platform at the most opportune time, just as the train pulled in.
Synonyms: propitious, fortunate
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