Engish Quiz

October 4, 2015    

Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

The weaker sections of the rural population are mostly from the socially and economically backward and (1) sections of the village community. Because of their (2) and financial difficulty, they are not readily (3) to change their work habits and adopt modern technology. (4) sure about the traditional methods, they are (5) to take to (6) equipment and techniques which require some time to get accustomed for (7) work.
After holding a number of group meetings with rural people (8) to different vocations and spread over the entire country, we can safely say that persons in the villages are not (9) for training to improve upon their traditional and hereditary (10) of working.

1) depressed
2) different
3) rich
4) privileged
5) forward

1) ability
2) dependence
3) illiteracy
4) number
5) majority

1) discarding
2) feeling
3) bending
4) undertaking
5) willing

1) Making
2) Having
3) Quite
4) Being
5) Not

1) forced
2) reluctant
3) bound
4) prepared
5) curious

1) farming
2) traditional
3) improved
4) powerful
5) old

1) routine
2) monotonous
3) excessive
4) wasteful
5) effective

1) accruing
2) helping
3) enabling
4) belonging
5) referring

1) eager
2) capable
3) indifferent
4) antagonistic
5) unwilling

1) theories
2) techniques
3) desires
4) hours
5) policies

1. (1)
2. (3)
3. (5)
4. (4)
5. (2)
6. (3)
7. (5)
8. (4)
9. (1)
10. (2)

Engish Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 4, 2015 Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suita...

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