Vocabulary Words - 23.09.2015

September 23, 2015    

1. ANATHEMA (NOUN): something hated

Synonyms: bane, pariah 

Antonyms: love 

Example Sentence:

Government regulations were not anathema to the market but requisite.

2. PREVARICATE (VERB): deceive; stretch the truth

Synonyms: belie, cavil Antonyms: confront, truth 

Example Sentence:

He was not there to prevaricate, and he told them his rank and name.

3. CEREBRAL (ADJECTIVE): using one's brain

Synonyms: analytical, intellectual Antonyms: dumb, dull

Example Sentence:

The consciousness is absolutely insensitive with regard to the dispositions of the cerebral substance and its mode of work.

4. UNSCATHED (VERB): not hurt

Synonyms: unharmed, unhurt Antonyms: injured, hurt 

Example Sentence:

All members of the team apparently finished the race before the explosions and were unscathed.

5. DIKE (NOUN): embankment

Synonyms: barrier, ditch 

Example Sentence:

After that, he dragged the corpse to the dike and threw it in.

6. FRENZIED (ADJECTIVE): uncontrolled

Synonyms: agitated, rabid Antonyms: happy, pleased

Example Sentence:

They lived, and were animated with the frenzied fear of trapped things.

7. QUINTESSENCE (NOUN): essence, core 

Synonyms: soul, extract Antonyms: outside, extra

Example Sentence:

To the man of the world they are the quintessence of his own reflections upon life.

8. PICKET (NOUN): post of structure 

Synonyms: palisade, pillar 

Example Sentence:

Yet the teachers are angrily rejecting it and taking to the picket line. 

9. CHARY (ADJECTIVE): careful, cautious

Synonyms: circumspect, discreet Antonyms: careless, heedless

Example Sentence:

Of such influence as he could properly exert among members of the House he was not chary.

10. SEQUESTER (VERB): isolate, seclude

Synonyms: segregate, secret Antonyms: tell, uncover 

Example Sentence:

And the overall funding levels, while better than the sequester, are still awfully low.

Vocabulary Words - 23.09.2015 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 23, 2015 1. ANATHEMA (NOUN):  something hated Synonyms:  bane, pariah  Antonyms:  love  Example Sentence: Government regulations were not an...

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