Tips To Crack IBPS-CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination

September 23, 2015    

Dear Readers,

We know that 10 days left for IBPS-CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination. The Exam will be held on 03-10-2015, 04-10-2015 and 10-10-2015.

We are giving you some tips for your exam preparation. Mainly, focus on following points:-

1. Time Management
2. Accuracy
3. Speed

1. Time Management 

We are providing "Time Table" of Exam to you for better management.

Test Name
Time (In Min.)
Reasoning Ability 
Quantitative Aptitude 
English Language 

Test Name
Time (In Min.)
Reasoning Ability 
Quantitative Aptitude 
English Language 

According to our mentors, You can choose one table for your exam in which you feel more comfortable or you can manager your time according to your strong and week sections.

2. Accuracy

English- in this section you can attempt Rearrangement, cloze test, fill in the blanks & error section. By attempting these section you can easily score approx. 20 marks.

Maths & Reasoning -Your aim should be to achieve an accuracy of 100% in the above two sections.

3. Speed

Speed mostly matters in the following types of questions:

Reading Comprehension: You can consider reading the questions first before reading the passage. This way, while reading the passage itself, you will be able to mark the answers and all questions will be done in only one reading of the passage

Data interpretation- If the answers are numbers not close to each other, then you do not need to do accurate calculations. You can round off the numbers and do approximate calculations and mark the answer closest to the answer you calculated

Long calculations- You can work on speed mathematics

Tips To Crack IBPS-CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 23, 2015 Dear Readers, We know that 10 days left for IBPS-CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination. The Exam will be held on 03-10-2015, 04-10-2015 ...

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