Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO

September 24, 2015    

Directions (Q. 1 to 10): In each question below given is a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. Assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow. 
 Mark your answer as:
(a) if only I follows;
(b) if only II follows,
(c) if either I or II follows;
(d) if neither I nor II follows and
(e) if both I and II follow.

1. Most of the development plans in the country develop in papers only.
I. The in-charges should be instructed to supervise the field-work regularly.
II. The supply of, paper to such departments should be cut short.

2. The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
I. CBI should try to catch the officer red-handed and then take a strict action against him.
II. CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.

3. Due to substantial reduction in fares by different airline services, large numbers of passengers so far travelling by upper classes in trains have switched over to airline services.
I. The railways should immediately reduce the fare structure of the upper classes substantially to retain its passengers.
II. The railways should reduce the capacity of upper classes in all the trains to avoid loss.

4. The availability of imported fruits has increased in the indigenous market and so the demand for indigenous fruits has been decreased.
I. To help the indigenous producers of fruits, the Government should impose high import duty on these fruits, even if these are not of good quality.
II. The fruit vendors should stop selling imported fruits so that the demand for indigenous fruits would be increased.

5. A large number of engineering graduates in the country are not in a position to have gainful employment at present and the number of such engineers is likely to grow in the future.
I. The government should launch attractive employment generation schemes and encourage these graduates to opt for such schemes to use their expertise and knowledge effectively.
II. This happened due to proliferation of engineering colleges in the country and thereby lowered the quality of the engineering graduates. Those colleges which are not equipped to impart quality education should be closed down.

6. A large number of people in ward X of the city are diagnosed to be suffering from a fatal malaria type.
I. The city municipal authority should take immediate steps to carry out extensive fumigation in ward X.
II. The people in the area should be advised to take steps to avoid mosquito bites.

7. There have been many instances of derailment of trains due to landslide in the hilly areas which caused loss of many lives.
I. The railway authority should arrange to deploy pilot engines before the movement of passenger trains in the hilly areas to alert the trains in case of any landslide.
II. The railway authority should strengthen the hill slopes by putting iron meshes so that the loose boulders do not fall on the track.

8. Footpaths of a busy road are crowded with vendors selling cheap items.
I. The help of police should be sought to drive them away.
II. Some space should be provided to them where they can earn their bread without blocking footpaths.

9. It is necessary to adopt suitable measures to prevent repetition of bad debts by learning from the past experiences of mounting non- performing assets of banks.
I. Before granting loan to customers their eligibility for loan should be evaluated strictly.
II. To ensure the payment of installments of loan, the work, for which loan was granted, should be supervised minutely on regular basis.

10. The sale of a particular product has gone down considerably causing great concern to the company.
I. The company should make a proper study of rival products in the market.
II. The price of the product should be reduced and quality improved.

1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (b)
6. (e)
7. (c)
8. (e)
9. (e)
10. (a)

1. Ans. (a) clearly, proper supervision alone can see the development in practice. So, only course I follows.

2. Ans. (a) clearly, one complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red-handed and then strict action taken against him. So, only course I follows.

3. Ans. (a) Airlines, being convenient and faster means of transport, people would surely prefer it to the railways if there is a marginal difference between the fares. Hence, a considerable gap between the two fares is a must for the railways. So, course I follows. Following course II would reduce the volume of passengers. Hence, II does not follow.

4. Ans. (d) the ideas suggested in both I and II represent unfair means to cut competition. The correct way would be to devise methods and techniques such that the indigenous producers could produce better quality fruits and make them available in the market at prices comparable with those of the imported ones. Hence, neither I nor II follows.

5. Ans. (b) the emphasis should be not on the Government putting all the engineering graduates to jobs but on the colleges producing not 'degree-holders' but real technical minds which could compete well for gainful employment. So, only course II follows.

6. Ans. (e) clearly, prevention from mosquitoes and elimination of mosquitoes are two ways to prevent malaria. So, both the courses follow.

7. Ans. (c) clearly, either something should be done to alert the trains well in advance in case of a landslide or some means should be adopted to prevent blockage of tracks during landslides. Thus, either I or II follows.

8. Ans. (e) crowding on footpaths is a great inconvenience for walkers. So, stern action needs to be taken to remove the vendors. But at the same time these people ought to be provided alternative means of livelihood. So, both the courses follow.

9. Ans. (e) to ensure that debts taken are repaid promptly, the customers' requirements and future prospects ought to be studied and their work constantly checked. Thus, both the courses follow.

10. Ans. (a) clearly, a study of rival products in the market will help assess the cause for the lowering down of sales and then a suitable action can be taken. Thus, only I follows.

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS PO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 24, 2015 Directions (Q. 1 to 10): In each question below given is a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. Assume everything ...

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