Quant Quiz- D.I

September 30, 2015    

Study the information given and answer the following questions.

1. Between 1995 and 2000, in which year has the av-erage employment per factory shown an increment compared to previous year, but decreased in the next year?
(1) 1996
(2) 1997
(3) 1998
(4) 1999
(5) None of these

2. If in 1996, 20,100 factories had 659 employments on an average, the remaining factories had an average employment of:
(1) 559
(2) 509
(3) 584
(4) 534  
(5) None of these

3. The total employment in 1999 is how many times to that in 1996?
(1) 1.45
(2) 1.48
(3) 1.6
(4) 1.42
(5) None of these

4. In which of the following five-year period, number of factories has shown maximum increase?
(1) 1980-85
(2) 1985-90
(3) 1990-95
(4) 1995-00
(5) None of these

5. Among the given period, in how many years has the trend of the average employment per factory not changed with respect to the previous year's change?
(1) Two
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) Can't be determined
(5) None of these

1. (4) in 1999, average employment per factory is greater than 1998 and less than 2000.

2. (2), in 1996, for 20100 factories , employees = 13,245,900; average = 609, total employees = 18,361,350. So average for remaining factories = 509.

3. (1) , total employment in 1999= 36240 x 736.
Total employment in 1996 = 609 x 30150,
Ratio =  (36240×736)/(30150×609)=1.45

4. (4) From the figure it can be seen that the maximum increase in the number of factories is in 1995-2000.

5. (4) , we do not have year wise data in between 1975- 1980 & similarly between 1980-1985,etc.

Quant Quiz- D.I 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 30, 2015 Study the information given and answer the following questions. 1. Between 1995 and 2000, in which year has the av-erage employment per...

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