Previous Year History Quiz For FCI Exam

September 29, 2015    

1.  Who among the following also had the name Devanama Piyadasi?
(1) Mauryan King Ashoka
(2) Gautam Buddha
(3) Mauryan King Chandragupta Maurya
(4) Bhagwan Mahavira

2.  With which of the following centres of learning, Chanakya the famous teacher of Chandragupta Maurya, was associated?
(1) Takshasila
(2) Nalanda
(3) Vikramshila
(4) Vaishali

3.  Which event brought about a profound change Ashoka’s administrative policy?
(1) The Third Buddhist Council
(2) The Kalinga War
(3) His embracing of Buddhism
(4) His sending of missionary to Ceylon

4.  Great Stupa at Sanchi is in –
(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Arunachal Pradesh
(4) Andhra Pradesh

5.  The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was - 
(1) Vishnu Gupta
(2) Upa Gupta
(3) Brahma Gupta
(4) Brihadrath

6.  Which one of the following does not appear on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion capital of Ashoka?
(1) Bull
(2) Dear
(3) Elephant
(4) Horse

7.  Who among the following historical personalities of India is also known as vishnugutpa?
(1) Bilhana
(2) Kalidasa
(3) Patanjali
(4) Chanakya

8.  Megashtenes was an envoy of which of the following kings?
(1) Seleucus
(2) Alexander
(3) Darius
(4) Antiochus

9.  Which of the following was the oldest dynasty of India?
(1) Maurya
(2) Gupta
(3) Kushana
(4) Kanva

10. The division of Mauryan society into seven classes was particularly mentioned in –
(1) Kautilya’s Arthashastra’
(2) Ashokan edicts
(3) The Purans
(4) The ‘Indica’ of Megasthenes

11. Kautilya’s Arthashastra’ is a book on –
(1) economic relations
(2) principle and practices of statecraft
(3) foreign policy
(4) duties of the king

12. The valleys of Sindhu, Ganga and jamuna were brought together for the first time under one political authority by –
(1) Chandragupat Maurya
(2) Ashoka
(3) Chandragupta II
(4) Prithviraj Chauhan

13. Which one of the following places has no Ashokan edicts?
(1) Girnar
(2) Kandhar
(3) Pataliputra
(4) Topra

14. Who among the following was appointed by Ashoka to administer justice in his empire?
(1) Sharmana
(2) Uparika
(3) Rajuka
(4) Kumar Amatya

15. Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great?
(1) Bimbisara
(2) Chandragupta Maurya
(3) Ashoka
(4) Pushyamitra Sunga

Answers will be update soon...........
Previous Year History Quiz For FCI Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 29, 2015 1.  Who among the following also had the name Devanama Piyadasi? (1) Mauryan King Ashoka (2) Gautam Buddha (3) Mauryan King Chandragupta ...

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