Ga And Computer Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Assistant Held on 26 September Evening Shift

September 26, 2015    

Dear Readers, We are providing some of the General awareness and computer questions asked in IBPS RRB Assistant exam held on 26 September Evening shift.

1. Rock Garden of Chandigarh was created by - Nek Chand
2. After how many years the World Hindi Conference was organised in 2015 - 32 Years
3. Shane Watson is related to - Cricket
4. Base Rate is decided by - Individual Banks

5. Minimum balance can be maintained in PMJDY - Zero
6. Arundhati Roy belongs to which state - Meghalaya
7. Logo competition for the New Education Policy - Nawaj Shaikh
8. Contactless multi-currency forex cards were launched by - Axis Bank
9. CIBIL is a three digit number which ranges between - 300-900
10. First country to legalize euthanasia for the children of any age - Belgium
11. Award of Bangladesh Liberation War Honour was conferred to - Atal Bihar Vajpayee
12.Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission - Ashok Kumar Mathur
13. World Wildlife Day - 3 March
14.Chairman of the International Cricket Council - N Srinivasan

Ga And Computer Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Assistant Held on 26 September Evening Shift 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2015 Dear Readers, We are providing some of the General awareness and computer questions asked in IBPS RRB Assistant exam held on 26 September Ev...

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