English - A click away....

September 19, 2015    

Dear Readers,
As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be conducted on 4th October. So SSCADDA team has decided to launch certain things that will not focus on any particular exam. In fact it will be relevant for all exams that is going to be held in upcoming months. This post is the glimpse of the real picture that we have planned for you folks.
1.Civility(noun)(अनुग्रह,कृपा,शिष्टता )- Politeness
The usually unruly Santosh acted with great civility when his favorite uncle visited.
Synonyms: courtesy, consideration

2.Clairvoyance (noun) (सूक्ष्म दृष्टि) - Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception
Krishna used her clairvoyance to help Santosh find his lost keys.
Synonyms: divination, foretelling

3.Clarity (noun)(स्पष्टता,शुद्धता) - Clearness
The refreshing water in the mountain stream was remarkable for its clarity.
Synonyms: lucidity, limpidity

4.Colossal(adj)(विराट,विशाल,चमत्कारपूर्ण )- Immense, enormous
After pushing with all his might, Frank realized he could never move the colossal boulder.
Synonyms: gigantic, tremendous

5.Combative(adj)(जंगी,फौजी,लड़ाकू) - Eager to fight
The teacher suggested the combative student channel his aggression into boxing.
Synonyms: aggressive belligerent

6.Combustion(noun)(जलन,दहन) - Act of burning
Campers must use fire with great caution to prevent combustion of the parched brush.
Synonyms: igniting, kindling

7.Commemorate(verb)( उत्सव मनाना,स्मरण करना ) - To mark by a ceremony
Each year, the Gaalib commemorate their anniversary by visiting the site of their first date.
Synonyms: observe, remember

8.Comparable(adj) (तुल्य,तुल्यनिए) - Similar, equivalent
Helen will only accept something of comparable value for her ticket to the concert.
Synonyms: akin, analogous

9.Composed(adj)( अंगभूत,शांत)- Calm
Although her stomach was in knots, the actress appeared perfectly composed when she took the stage.
Synonyms: serene, unperturbed

10.Comprehensible(adj) (समझने योग्य,सुबोध)- Understandable
Shikha spoke slowly so her directions would be comprehensible to her foreign visitor.
Synonyms: intelligle, coherent
English - A click away.... 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 19, 2015 Dear Readers, As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be ...

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