English- A click away.....

September 16, 2015    

APODICTIC (सुनिश्चित) - necessarily true or logically certain
It has also been pointed out that the laws in the Old Testament may be classified as either apodictic in form ("thou shalt…" or "thou shalt not…") or "casuistic" 

ASPERITY(करवाहट,तीक्षण,तीखापन )- the quality of being hard to endure, uninviting or formidable
I dread the asperity of northern winters.
BEATITUDE(परम सुख,परम आनंद की अवस्था )- a state of supreme happiness or blessedness
His face had taken on the expression of imbecile beatitude the religious sometimes adopt.

CAPRICIOUS(उथला,उमंगी,सनकी)- changeable; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
The capricious bride-to-be has a different church in mind for her wedding every few days.

CAPTIOUS( कठिन,धोखेवाज,भ्रामक)- tending to find and call attention to faults
A captious attitude often causes difficulties in a relationship.

CHOLERIC(क्रोधी,गुस्सैल)- easily moved to anger
Men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing.

CORNUCOPIA(ज्यादा मात्र में,प्रचुर)-symbolizing prosperity; the property of being extremely abundant
This is a time of abundance when bird, beast and insect gather to share the cornucopia

DENOUEMENT(उपसंहार,धमकी,निन्दा)- the unraveling of a plot or story; the outcome of a complex sequence of events
I waited by the eighteenth green with thousands of spectators to see the denouement.

DILATORY(समय व्यर्थ गवानें वाला, सुस्त)- slow to act; intended to cause delay
The White House scolds Congress for being dilatory in finding cash for Panama and Nicaragua.

EXTEMPORE (बिना तैयारी के ,तात्कालिक)-with little or no preparation or forethought
This is usually performed extempore, following the whims of the singer, musician and/or dancer.

English- A click away..... 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 16, 2015 APODICTIC (सुनिश्चित)   -  necessarily true or logically certain It has also been pointed out that the laws in the Old Testament may be c...

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