Computer Knowledge For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination

September 28, 2015    

Computer Knowledge For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination

1. A reusable set of commands or steps saved by a user is called a_________. 

(1) function 

(2) template 

(3) macro 

(4) relative reference 

(5) Clip Art 

Ans. (3) A reusable set of commands or steps saved by a user is called a macro. 

2. Types of charts that can be created in a MS-Excel include all EXCEPT a ____________ chart. 

(1) pie 

(2) scatter 

(3) block 

(4) bar 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (3) Types of charts that can be created in a MS-Excel include all EXCEPT a block chart. 

3. Pixels are ________. 

(1) dots on the screen arranged in rows. 

(2) dots of ink from an inkjet printer. 

(3) points of light used by a cordless, wireless, optical mouse. 

(4) points on the end of PDA handheld devices 

(5) None of these 

Ans. (1) Pixels are dots on the screen arranged in rows. 

4. The density of pixels on a screen is known as ______. 

(1) screen clarity 

(2) pixility 

(3) pixel depth 

(4) resolution 

(5) Point 

Ans. (4) The density of pixels on a screen is known as resolution. 

5. Previously drawn images that artists can legally use in their own work are known as _____. 

(1) copyart 

(2) clip art 

(3) free art 

(4) shareware 

(5) Image 

Ans. (2) Previously drawn images that artists can legally use in their own work are known as clip art. 

6. CAD software is primarily used in _________. 

(1) desktop publishing 

(2) software development 

(3) engineering 

(4) accounting 

(5) Agriculture 

Ans. (3) CAD software is primarily used in engineering. 

7. CAD stands for ________. 

(1) Computer-Assisted Design 

(2) Computer Application Design 

(3) Computer Application and Design 

(4) Computer-Aided Design 

(5) Computer Advertisement Design 

Ans. (4) CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design. 

8. PowerPoint is an example of _______. 

(1) presentation graphics software 

(2) raster graphics software 

(3) photo management software 

(4) gray-scale graphics software 

(5) Table Graphics 

Ans. (1) PowerPoint is an example of presentation graphics software. 

9. The creation of motion from still pictures is called ______. 

(1) a presentation 

(2) 3-D modeling 

(3) transition 

(4) animation 

(5) Clip Art 

Ans. (4) The creation of motion from still pictures is called animation. 

10. When something is displayed at the same time as it is created, accessed, or imported, it is known as ______. 

(1) digital time 

(2) real time 

(3) online time 

(4) batch time 

(5) On time 

Ans. (2) When something is displayed at the same time as it is created, accessed, or imported, it is known as real time.

Computer Knowledge For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 28, 2015 Computer Knowledge For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination 1. A reusable set of commands or steps saved by a user is called a_________.  (1) ...

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