Q.1. Recently how many entities have got RBI's approval to set up Small Finance Banks?
Ans: (5) 10
Q.2. How many channels will be provided to cable operators through HITS digital broadcasting platform?
Ans: (1) More than 500
Q.3. Recently Employees Provident Fund has decided to enhance the deposit linked Insurance benefit to _____________ from the present 3 lakh 60 thousand.
Ans: (5) 6 lakh rupees
Q.4. What is OECD's world growth forecast for the year 2015?
Ans: (2) 3.0%
Q.5. What is the venue of 55th National Open Athletics Championship?
Ans: (4) Kolkata
Q.6. Exhibition ‘Shauryanjali’ was launched at the India Gate lawns in New Delhi to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ____________.
Ans: (2) Indo-Pak War of 1965
Q.7. Name the second generation anti-tank guided missile, indigenously developed by Bharat Dynamics Limited.
Ans: (1) Amogha-1
Q.8. Name the Indian-origin person who has been appointed as the shadow chief secretary for Treasury in London?
Ans: (3) Seema Malhotra
Q.9. Recently Union Minister Bandaru Dattatreya launched three mobile based services for the EPF members. Bandaru Dattatreya is the Union Minister of State for ___________.
Ans: (3) Labour and Employment
Q.10. Name the Indian-origin British author who is among the 6 writers short-listed for the prestigious Man Booker Prize 2015.
Ans: (4) Sunjeev Sahota
Q.11. Which state government has launched M-Shiksha-Mitra mobile app for teachers?
Ans: (3) Madhya Pradesh
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