1. There are five houses A, B, C, D, O in a row. A is right side of B and left side of C. O is in the right side of A. B is right of D. Which house is in the middle?
(1) O
(2) A
(3) B
(4) D
2. Four persons M, N, O and P are playing cards. M is on the right of N and P is on the left of O. Then which of the following are partners?(1) P and O
(2) M and P
(3) M and N
(4) N and P
3. Five birds Crow, Pigeon, Little Pigeon, Big Crow and Eagle fly one after other from a tree branch. Big Crow flew after Crow but is ahead of Eagle. Pigeon is between Crow and Big Crow. Little Pigeon is before Crow. Which bird is the last?
(1) Pigeon
(2) Big Crow
(3) Eagle
(4) None of these
4. P, Q, R and S are four friends. P, is shorter than Q but taller than R who is shorter than S. Who is the shortest among all?
(1) P
(2) Q
(3) R
(4) S
5. In a row of trees one tree is the 7th from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row?
(1) 11
(2) 13
(3) 15
(4) 14
6. Akhilesh is taller than Sheebu. Aman is not as tall as Akhillesh but is taller than Tejinder. Sheebu is also not as tall as Aman but is taller than Tejinder. Who is the tallest?
(1) Akhilesh
(2) Sheebu
(3) Aman
(4) Tejinder
7. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing East, ‘C’ is between ‘A’ and ‘E’, ‘B’ is just to the right of ‘E’ but left of ‘D’, ‘F’ is not at the right end. Who is between ‘B’ and ‘C’?
(1) A
(2) D
(3) E
(4) F
8. There are five friends – Satish, Kishore, Mohan, Anil and Rajesh. Mohan is the tallest. Satish is shorter than Kishore but taller than Rajesh. Anil is little shorter than Kishore but little taller than Satish. Who is taller than Rajesh but shorter than Anil?
(1) Anil
(2) Kishore
(3) Rajesh
(4) Satish
9. There are five friends Suresh, Kaushal, Madhur, Amit and Ramesh. Suresh is shorter than Kaushal but taller than Ramesh. Madhur is the tallest. Amit is a little shorter than Kaushal but little taller than Suresh. If they stand in the order of their heights who will be the shortest?
(1) Amit
(2) Madhur
(3) Ramesh
(4) Kaushal
10. If Ram runs less fast than Shyam and Shyam runs as fast as Lal but less fast than Tom, who runs fastest?
(1) Lal
(2) Shyam
(3) Tom
(4) Tom and Lal
Note : Answers will be updated soon...............
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