Directions (Q.1- 5) Some statements are given followed by some conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions if any, follow from the given statements:
1. Statements:
All Girls are idiots. Some idiots are not men. Some men are women. No men is girl.
Conclusion :
(i) Some men are idiots
(ii) Some women being girl is a possibility
(iii) Some women are definitely not girls
1) Only (i) follow
2) Only (ii) or (iii) follow
3) Only (i) or (ii) follow
4) All follow
5) None of these
2. Statements:
Some cows are pots. No pots are cups. Some cups are not cows. Some caps are cows.
Conclusion :
(i) Some cups are definitely not caps
(ii) Some cups being cap is a possibility
(iii) Some caps are not pots
1) Only (i) follow
2) Only (ii) and (iii) follow
3) Only (i) and (ii) follow
4) All follow
5) None of these
3. Statements:
All list are columns. All columns are new. No list is common. Some columns are not common
Conclusion :
(i) Some columns being common is a possibility
(ii) All common being column is a possibility
(iii) Some common is definitely not new
1) Only (i) follow
2) Only (ii) and (iii) follow
3) Only (i) and (ii) follow
4) All follow
5) None of these
4. Statements:
All Girls are idots. Some idots are not men . Some men are women. No men is girl.
Conclusion :
(i) Some idiots are definitely not men.
(ii) All men being Idiot is a possibility.
(iii) Some women being girl is a possibility.
1) Only (i) follow
2) Only (ii) or (iii) follow
3) Only (i) or (ii) follow
4) All follow
5) None of these
5. Statements:
All list are columns. All columns are new. No list is common. Some columns are not common
Conclusion :
(i) Some common are definitely new
(ii) All common being new is a possibility
(iii) All column being common is a possibilty
1) Only (i) follow
2) Only (ii) or (iii) follow
3) Only (i) or (ii) follow
4) All follow
5) None of these
Directions(Q.6-10): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below.
‘A @ B’ means ‘A Is not smaller than B’
‘A # B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’
Give answer 1) : If only conclusion 1 is true
Give answer 2) : If only conclusion 2 is true
Give answer 3) : If either conclusion 1 or 2 is true
Give answer 4) : If neither conclusion 1 nor 2 is true
Give answer 5) : If both conclusions 1 and 2 are true
6. Statements: M%N, N$O, O*P, K$L, L*M
Conclusion :
7. Statements: C%D, E*F, A#B, D@E, B#C
Conclusion :
8. Statements: D@E, B#C, C%D, E*F, A#B
Conclusion :
9. Statements: X@Y, V$W, U*V, W*X, Y%Z
Conclusion :
10. Statements: K$L, L*M, M%N, N$O, O*P
Conclusion :
Directions (Q.11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions asked:
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line words and number, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of input and re-arrangement-
Input : 278 cuddle 512 clumsy common 125 cup 374
Step I : 512 278 cuddle clumsy common 125 374 cup
Step II : 374 512 278 clumsy common 125 cup cuddle
Step III: 278 374 512 clumsy 125 cup cuddle common
Step IV : 125 278 374 512 cup cuddle common clumsy
This is the final arrangement and step IV is the last step for this input
Input: 285 ace joker 346 clubs 264 diamonds spades 624 125 hearts 341.
11. What will be the IVth step for the above input?
1) There will be no such step
2) 341 346 624 285 ace clubs 264 diamonds spades joker hearts.
3) 264 285 341 346 624 ace 125 spades joker hearts diamonds clubs.
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
12. Which of the following will be 6th from the left hand side in step V of the above arrangement?
5) None of these
13. How many steps would be required to complete the arrangement?
5) Can’t be determined
14. Which of the following will be 6th from the right hand side in step II of the above arrangement?
2) diamonds
5) None of these
15. If Step V of a certain input is : 341 241 238 222 113 act catch duration necessary time, then what will be the Input ?
1) None of these
2) 222 238 act necessary 113 time 241 catch duration 341
3) 222 act necessary 238 113 241 time catch 341 duration
4) 238 222 necessary act time 241 113 catch 341 duration
5) Can not be determined
Answers will be provided soon...
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