SBI PO 2015: Reasoning Quiz

June 5, 2015    

Directions (1-8): Study the following information to answer the given questions: 

In a certain code 'faf is like due plesi' is written as 'sa le do mi ru';  'feel the heat' is written as 'be no pa'; 'the due one feel' is written as 'mi fi pa be'; 'like the one' is written as 'fi be sa' and 'plesi is fine’ is written as 'ga ru  do'.

1.'ru be wa' would mean
(1) is the way
(2) plesi is the
(3) way is plesi
(4) the plesi way
(5) Cannot be determined
2.What is the code for 'heat' ? 
(3) be
(4) pa
(5) None of these

3.What is the code for fine' ?
(3) pa
(4) do
(5) None of these

4.Which of the following represents 'heat due feel fine' ? 
(1) pa be fi ga
(2) no mi ra pa
(3) pa no ga mi
(4) ga no mi le
(5) None of these

5.'mi fi le' would mean
(1) faf one the
(2) the like one
(3) like due faf
(4) faf one due
(5) None is correct

6.What does 'sa' stand for?
(2) plesi
(3) faf
(4) is
(5) None of these

7.Which of the following may represent 'plesi is for one due' ? 
(1) fi ye no mi ru
(2) fi le do mi ru
(3) fi ye do mi ru
g(4) fi so do mi ro
(5) None of these

8.What does'do'stand for?
(3) faf
(4) is
(5) None of these

Directions (9-13) In each of these questions, a question is given followed by information in three statements. You have to find out the data in which statement is sufficient to answer the question and mark your answer accordingly.

9.What does 'hello' represent in a code language ?
I. 'pit na tac' means 'hello and go' in that code language.
II. 'ja ta da' means 'you are good' in that code language.
III. 'na da rac' means 'you can hello' in that code language.

(1) Only I and II
(2) Only II and III
(3) Only I and III
(4) All I, II and III
(5) None of these

10.How many sons does Prashant have ?
I. Kishan and Umesh are brothers of Tanisha.
II. Rekha is sister of Payal and Umesh.
III. Rekha and Tina are daughters of Prashant.

(1) Only I and II
(2) Only II and III
(3) All I, II and III
(4) I, II and III together are not sufficient
(5) None of these

11.Who among Amar, Bipin, Chinmoy and Danny is the youngest?
I. Bipin is younger than Danny but older than Chinmoy and Amar.
II. Danny is the oldest.
III. Chinmoy is older than Amar.

(1) Only I
(2) I and II
(3) Only II and III
(4) Only I and III
(5) None of these

12.What is Dev's rank from the top in a class of forty students?
I. Dev is 3 ranks below Geet from the top.
II. Geet's rank from the bottom is 23.
III. Dev is 3 ranks above Mridul from the bottom.

(1) Any two of the three
(2) Only I and II
(3) Only II and III
(4) All I, II and III
(5) Only II and either I or III

13.Four subjects - Maths, Computers, English and GK - were taught in four consecutive periods of one hour each starting from 8.00 am. At what time was the Computers period scheduled ?
I. English period ended at 10.00 a.m., which was preceded by GK.
II. Maths was scheduled in the last period.
III. English period was immediately followed by Computers.

(1) Only I
(2) Either I only or II only
(3) Only II
(4) Only II and III
(5) Only either I or II and either I or III

Directions (14-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow: 
i. P is mother of Q.  
ii. R is sister of P.
iii. S is father of R.  
iv. Q is son of T.

14.Which of the following statements are required to establish that T is a male ? 
(1) Only (iv)
(2) Both (ii) and (iv)
(3) Both (i) and (iv)
(4) Both (ii) and (iii)
(5) Both (i) and (iii)

15.How is S related to Q ? 
(1) Father
(2) Grandfather
(3) Son in-law
(4) Grandson
(5) Father-in-law

Answers will be provided soon.

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SBI PO 2015: Reasoning Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 5, 2015 Directions (1-8): Study the following information to answer the given questions:  In a certain code 'faf is like due plesi' is wr...

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