Inequality Shortcut Trick - How to Solve any Question within 10 seconds

June 4, 2015    

Today I am going to share King Soldiers and Public technique to solve Inequalities. By using this technique, you can solve any question from Inequalities within 10 seconds. In every exam, at least 5 questions are asked from this topic.

Inequality trick

Points to remember

  • King is more powerful than Soldiers
  • Soldiers are more powerful than Public
  • Whenever there is a conflict between two Kings, then there will be no conclusion
  • When there is a conflict between two soldiers, then there will be no conclusion

Let King means < or >

kings in inequality

Soldier means ≥ or ≤


Public means =


Case 1. 'King vs King'

king vs king

Suppose there is a war going on between two kings.Whenever the two kings faces each other means war. In other words conclusion will be wrong.
Note: Two signs opposite to each other will make the conclusion wrong But again if the signs are in same manner that will not make it wrong.
like this
If A > B < C  > D then A  < C = False , C   > A = False .
 If E > F > G > H then E  > G = True , F  > H = True , E  > H = True.
Statement:  A < D > C < E > B
  • C > B   → False
  • A < E   → False
  • D > B   → False          
In simple way ,Whenever these two sign comes in opposite direction the answer will be false.

Case 2.  ' Soldier vs Soldier'

soldier vs soldier

Whenever the soldiers face each other means again war(same apply here). In other words conclusion will be wrong.

Note: Two signs opposite to each other will make the conclusion wrong But again if the signs are  same then it will be true.
like this
If A ≥ B ≤C then A  ≤ C = False , C   ≥ A = False .
 If A ≥ B  C then A   C = True , C    A = True .


Statement: B ≥ D ≤ A ≥ F ≤ C
Conclusions :
I. A ≥ C → False
II. B ≤ F → False
III. D ≥ C → False

Case 3. Sets Priority:

If they all are comes in order  then kings’ priority will be first ,soldier's second and public at last.

Statement: P ≥ R > Q = T ≥ S
Conclusions :
 I. P ≥ Q → False
II. P > Q → True
III. Q ≥ S → True

Case 4.

When it occurs to you that the statement of order is opposite just change the sign into similar opposite direction

Change the sign into similar opposite /corresponding / alternative direction .
If A > B > F > C < D < E
than F < A → True [ ∵  A > B > F =  F < B <  A ] 
Statements  : A>B>F>C; D>E>C
        I.    C < A → True
        II.   C > A → False
Statements  : R ≥ S ≥ T > U > X ; T < V <W
        I.   R > X  → True [Note: Apply Case 3 here ]
        II.  X < R → True [Note: Apply Case 3 & 4 here ]

Statements  : K ≤ L ≤ M = N ; P ≥ O ≥N
        K ≤  L ≤ M = N ≤ O ≤ P

        I.     K < P    →  False
        II.   K = P     →  False
        III.  K ≤ M   →  True
        IV   K ≤ P    →  True
        V    P ≥ K    →  True

Note :- Many of you might find this trick funny and baseless but it works ! I have lot more tricks to share. Stay updated.

Give me your opinion in the comments.

Image source - Deposit photos, Shutter stock

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Inequality Shortcut Trick - How to Solve any Question within 10 seconds 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 4, 2015 Today I am going to share King Soldiers and Public technique to solve Inequalities. By using this technique, you can solve any question from...

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