Top 10 Hindu Editorials of the year 2018 with Meanings (Pdf Download)

December 31, 2018    

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Friends, due to my mother's ill health, I had to stay in a remote villiage with no internet connection. So I was unable to share daily Hindu vocabulary from 15th December. You will get regular Hindu Editorial Vocabulary posts from tomorrow (i.e., 1st January 2019).

Today I am going to give you something special and important. From more than 300 editorials, the HINDU News Paper has picked the Top 10 Best and Most-read editorials of the year 2018 comprising best national and international events happened in the year. Covering various sectors including Banking, Politics, Science & Technology, Defence, these editorials not only help you to brush up your current affairs skills, but also helps you in learning good vocabulary.

So here I am giving you the meanings of these top 10 Hindu editorials. You can download the pdf version of these editorials from below link. Happy Reading :)

Download PDF Version of Top 10 Hindu Editorials 2018 with Meanings from HERE

Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the HINDU News Paper

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The plane truth: on Rafale deal row"
  • Plane - an aircraft with wings and at least one engine
  • Transparency - the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
  • Clear the air - to discuss a problem or difficult situation with someone in order to make it better
  • Heated - a heated discussion or argument is one in which people get angry and excited
  • Claim - to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof
  • Counter - something that you say to reply to a criticism or argument
  • Broad - including many different things or people
  • Grossly - extremely
  • Overvalue - to give something a higher price than it should have
  • Tainted - something that is tainted is spoilt by an unpleasant feature or quality that often makes people not want to be involved with it 
  • Crony - a friend or supporter, especially of someone powerful
  • Capitalism - an economic system in which property, businesses, and industry are owned by individual people and not by the government
  • Ammunition - bullets, bombs etc that can be fired from a weapon 
  • Defence - the system of weapons, equipment, and people that is used to protect a country
  • Offset - to balance the effect of something, with the result that there is no advantage or disadvantage
  • Squarely - in a clear and definite way
  • Contradict - to say that the opposite of what someone has said is true
  • Insist - to say very firmly that something must happen or must be done
  • Manufacturer - a person or company that manufactures a product
  • Aviation - the practice of flying planes
  • Perceive - to understand or think about something in a particular way
  • Bolster - to make something stronger or more effective
  • Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
  • Ensue - to happen after something else, often as a result of it
  • Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
  • Merely - only / just
  • Reiterate - to repeat something in order to emphasize it or make it very clear to people
  • Reaffirm - to formally and officially state something again
  • Beg the question - to make you want to know the answer to a particular question
  • Nudge - to make something move gradually or a little way in a particular direction
  • Whisper - to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you
  • Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved
  • Persist - to continue to do or say something in a determined way
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Headline-grabbing - reported as a very important story in the news
  • Negotiation - formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement, especially in a business or political situation
  • Clear the air - to discuss a problem or difficult situation with someone in order to make it better
  • Briefing - a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions
  • Disclosure - the process of giving information to people, especially information that was secret
  • Jeopardise - to risk damaging or destroying something important
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Modernisation - the process of starting to use the most recent methods, ideas, equipment, etc
  • Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Gem of a scam: On PNB fraud"
  • Gem of a - outstanding
  • Fraud - the crime of obtaining money from someone by tricking them
  • Regulatory - a regulatory organization or company controls an activity, process, or industry
  • Blow the lid off something - to let people know something that has been kept a secret
  • Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
  • Scam - a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
  • Perpetrate - to do something that is harmful, illegal, or dishonest
  • Maverick - an independent person who has ideas and behaviour that are very different from other people’s
  • Collusion - the secret activities of people who work together to do something dishonest
  • Defraud - to get money from a person or organization in a dishonest way
  • Astounding - extremely surprising or shocking 
  • Heightened - higher
  • Audit - a careful examination of something, especially one done to find the amount, size, or effectiveness of something
  • Ostensibly - used for saying that although someone pretends to have one reason for something, there is in fact another reason
  • Substandard - not as good as you would normally expect, or not good enough to be accepted
  • On the verge of something - about to do something or experience something
  • Pile of - a lot of
  • Crony - a friend or supporter, especially of someone powerful
  • Capitalism - an economic system in which property, businesses, and industry are owned by individual people and not by the government
  • Regime - a system or form of government
  • Infuse - to give someone or something a particular quality
  • Incur - to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something
  • Capital adequacy ratio - the amount of a bank's capital in relation to the amount of money that it has lent to people and organizations
  • Top brass - the people with the highest status in an organization
  • Promptly - immediately
  • Handful - a very small number of people or things
  • Orchestrate -  to plan and organize a complicated event or course of action, especially without being noticed
  • Massive - very large or heavy
  • Lapse - a temporary failure
  • Probe - to try to find out the truth about something
  • Money laundering - the crime of moving money that has been obtained illegally through banks and other businesses to make it seem as if the money has been obtained legally
  • Accused - a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.
  • Meteoric - becoming very successful very quickly
  • Buyout - a situation in which the managers or people employed in a company take control of it by buying all of its shares
  • Ramp-up - a large increase in activity or in the level of something
  • Abroad - in or to a foreign country
  • Circumvent - to find a way of avoiding a rule or law that limits you, especially using a clever trick that does not break the law
  • In the face of something - in a situation where you have to deal with something unpleasant or difficult
  • Diligence - the attitude or behaviour of someone who works very hard and very carefully
  • Accountability - a situation in which people know who is responsible for something and can ask them to explain its state or quality
  • Nexus - a closely connected group of people or things, often forming the central part of something
  • Set off - to cause a situation or a series of events to happen, especially without intending to
Hindu Editorial Topic 3 : "Judiciary in turmoil"
  • Judiciary - the part of government that consists of all the judges and courts in a country
  • Turmoil - a state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder
  • Misfortune - bad luck, or an unlucky event
  • Rift - a serious disagreement that separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuing
  • Inexorable - continuing without any possibility of being stopped
  • Full-blown - completely developed
  • Crisis - a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
  • Momentous - very important because of effects on future events
  • Expose - to deliberately make something publicly known because you believe that it is wrong or illegal
  • Unprecedented - never having happened or existed in the past
  • Dissension - arguments and disagreement, especially in an organization, group, political party, etc 
  • Echelon - one of the levels of status or authority in an organization, or the people at that level
  • Revolt - if a large number of people revolt, they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against authority, often violent action
  • Regardless - despite; not being affected by something
  • Dispute - an argument or disagreement, especially an official one
  • Administrative - relating to the management of a company, organization, or institution
  • Reverberations - effects that spread and affect a lot of people
  • Subside - if a condition subsides, it becomes less strong or extreme
  • Ample - more than enough
  • Ferment - a state of confusion, change, and lack of order or fighting
  • Reveal - to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
  • Grievance - a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly
  • Perception - a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem
  • Disregard - the fact of showing no care or respect for something
  • Convention - a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest
  • Far-reaching - something far-reaching has a great influence on many people or things
  • Consequence - a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient
  • Ominous - suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen
  • Depart from something - to be different from the usual or expected way of doing or thinking about something
  • Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change
  • Deliberation - considering or discussing something
  • Played out - to develop or end in a particular way
  • Outbreak - a time when something suddenly begins
  • Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
  • Controversial - causing disagreement or discussion
  • Allege - to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof
  • Delineate - to describe something very exactly
  • Eventually - at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen
  • Overturn - to change a legal decision
  • Exercise - an action or actions intended to improve something or make something happen
  • Roster - a list of people's names, often with the jobs they have been given to do
  • Compelling - if a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong
  • Exception - to not treat someone or something according to the usual rules
  • Accused - the person who is on trial in a law court
  • Discharge - to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or a law court
  • Concern - a worried or nervous feeling about something, or something that makes you feel worried
  • Squarely - directly and firmly
  • Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
  • Dispel - to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary
  • Misgiving - a feeling of doubt or worry about a future event
  • Steadfastly - strongly and without stopping
  • Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
  • Profess - to state something, sometimes in a way that is not sincere
  • Inexplicably - unable to be explained or understood
  • Deem - to consider or judge something in a particular way
  • Rather than - used for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another
  • Brush away - to refuse to accept or listen to something that someone says
  • Convene - to bring together a group of people for a meeting, or to meet for a meeting
  • Protest - a strong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval, or opposition
  • Cloud - to make someone confused, or make something more difficult to understand
  • Drastic - (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects
  • Fester - if an argument or bad feeling festers, it continues so that feelings of hate or lack of satisfaction increase
  • Exhaust - to use or consider all the possible ways of doing something
  • Posterity - the people who will exist in the future
  • Aberration - a temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving
  • Precedent -an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or made
  • Discomfited - to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially mentally
  • Rift - a serious disagreement that separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuing
  • Diminish - to reduce or be reduced in size or importance
  • Illumine - to make something clear and easier to understand
  • Introspection - the process of carefully examining your own feelings, thoughts, and ideas
  • Perception - a particular way of understanding or thinking about something
  • Amend - to make changes to a document, law, agreement etc, especially in order to improve it
  • Pragmatism - a practical way of thinking or dealing with problems that emphasizes results and solutions more than theories
  • Defuse - to make a situation more relaxed by making people feel less angry or less worried
  • Prevailing - existing at a particular time or in a particular place
  • Provision - a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem
  • Unavoidable - impossible to stop from happening
  • Arguable - if something is arguable, you are not completely certain whether it is true or correct
  • Dispensation - official permission to do something that people are not normally allowed to do, especially from a religious authority
  • Massive - very large or heavy 
  • Protest - a strong complaint or disagreement
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
  • Perceive - to understand or think about something in a particular way
  • Dilute - to make something less strong or effective
  • Constituent - someone who lives in a constituency and is allowed to vote in elections
  • Threaten - to tell someone that you might or you will cause them harm, especially in order to make them do something
  • Goad - to deliberately make someone feel very angry or upset so that they react
  • Anticipatory - relating to the feelings that you get when you are expecting something to happen
  • Preliminary - coming before the main or most important part of something
  • Notwithstanding - despite something
  • Interprete - to understand an action, situation etc in a particular way
  • Alter - to make something or someone different
  • Emphasise - to give particular importance or attention to something
  • Arbitrary - not based on any particular plan, or not done for any particular reason
  • Denial - the refusal to let someone have or do something
  • Compensation - something that changes or removes the bad result of something
  • Safeguard - to protect something or someone from being harmed or having problems
  • Accusation - a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
  • Concern - something that worries you
  • Consolidate - to make the power, position, or achievements you already have stronger or more effective so that they are likely to continue
  • Conviction - a decision by a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
  • Dismally - in a depressed manner
  • Atrocity - a cruel and violent act
  • Vital - very important, necessary, or essential
  • Ostracisation - to avoid someone intentionally, or to prevent someone from taking part in the activities of a group
  • Fair - if a situation is fair, everyone is treated equally and in a reasonable way
  • Trial - the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
  • Enforce -to make sure that a law or rule is obeyed by people
  • Dignity - respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself
  • Disadvantaged - disadvantaged people do not have the same advantages as other people, for example because they do not have much money
  • Unspeakably - used for emphasizing how bad something is and how much it upsets you
  • Abhorrent - if something is abhorrent to you, you dislike it very much, usually because you think it is immoral
  • Discrimination - unfair treatment of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features

  • Dignity - respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
  • Euthanasia - the practice of killing a very old or very ill person without causing them pain
  • Lay down - to state officially what someone must do or how they must do it
  • Framework - a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments
  • Enforce - to make sure that a law or rule is obeyed by people
  • Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the real or basic ones, although they are not obvious or directly stated
  • Verdict - an official judgment made in a court 
  • Passive euthanasia - Passive euthanasia occurs when the patient dies because the medical professionals either don't do something necessary to keep the patient alive, or when they stop doing something that is keeping the patient alive
  • Directive - an official order
  • Dignified - someone who is dignified behaves in a calm way that people respect
  • Concur - to agree with someone or something
  • Grappled with something - to try hard to understand a difficult idea or to solve a difficult problem
  • Morality - principles of right or wrong behaviour
  • Outcome - the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc
  • Progressive - supporting social and political change that aims to make a system fairer
  • Humane - showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering
  • Terminally ill - a terminal illness cannot be cured and will cause someone to die, usually slowly
  • Persistent - continuing to do something in a determined way
  • Cure - a solution to a problem
  • Circumstance - a fact or condition that affects a situation
  • Accelerate - to happen or make something happen at a faster rate
  • Consent - permission to do something
  • Self determination - the ability or power to make decisions for yourself
  • Autonomy -  the power to make your own decisions
  • Encompass - to include
  • Jurisprudence - the system of laws that exists in a particular place or that affects a particular area of activity
  • Living will - a legal document in which you state the decisions about your medical treatment that you want other people to make, to be used if you become too ill to make those decisions yourself
  • Directive - an official order
  • Administer - to be responsible for making certain that something is done according to the rules
  • Life support - measures intended to keep someone alive when they are very ill
  • Discontinue - to stop doing or providing something
  • Unexceptionable - satisfactory and not deserving any criticism
  • Prolong - to make something last longer
  • Merely - just / only
  • Destructive - causing severe damage or harm
  • Invoke -  to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
  • Inherent - an inherent quality is a basic or essential feature that gives something its character
  • Directive - an official order
  • Enact -  to make a proposal into a law
  • Stringent - stringent rules or conditions are strict and make you achieve high standards
  • Robust - a robust system or organization is strong and successful
  • Allay - if you allay feelings such as fears, worries, or doubts, you make someone feel less afraid, worried, or full of doubt
  • Apprehension - a feeling of worry or fear that something bad might happen
  • Lawfully - officially accepted by the government or another authority
Hindu Editorial Topic 6 : "States of health: On NITI Aayog’s first Health Index"
  • Trigger - to cause something to start
  • Debate- a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part
  • Unsurprisingly - in a way that you expected
  • Investment - the process of spending money in order to improve something or make it more successful
  • Nutrition - food considered as something that keeps you healthy
  • Bring up the rear - to be the last in a line or group
  • Sustainable development - the development of a country or region that does not use more natural resources than can be replaced and so does not harm the environment
  • Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal and accepted or used by most people 
  • Hardly - used for saying that something is almost not true or almost does not happen at all
  • Uneven - not of the same quality in all its parts
  • Potentially - possibly true in the future, but not true now
  • For instance - for example
  • Neonatal - relating to the first weeks of a baby’s life
  • Mortality - the number of deaths within a particular area, group etc
  • Remedial - intended to improve or correct something
  • Notch up - to win something, or to achieve something
  • Intra-State - existing or happening within one state
  • Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
  • Tuberculosis - a serious infectious disease affecting your lungs
  • Immunisation - to prevent someone from getting a particular illness by putting a substance into their body, especially using a needle
  • Out-of-pocket - to have lost money as the result of something
  • Expenditure - money spent by a government, organization, or person
  • Imperative - something that is very important and urgent
  • Rigorous - careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe
  • Assessment - the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully
  • Non-communicable - disease that can not be passed from one person or animal to another
  • Integrity - the quality of behaving according to the rules and standards of your job or profession
  • Composite - made up of separate parts
  • Scale up - to make something larger in size, amount etc than it used to be
  • Ambitious - determined to be successful, rich, famous etc
  • Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
  • Reliance - the state of depending on a particular person or thing
  • Taxation - the system that a government uses for collecting money from people in the form of taxes
  • Bedrock - the ideas and principles on which a belief or system is based
  • Mainstreaming - the process of becoming accepted as normal by most people
  • Outcome - the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc
  • Privatisation -  the sale of a business or industry that was owned and managed by the government
  • Stake - the part of a business that you own because you have invested money in it
  • Sets the stage for - prepare the conditions for (the occurrence or beginning of something)
  • Foreign direct investment - money that is invested in companies, property, or other assets by people or organizations from other countries
  • Last lap -  the last stage of something long and difficult
  • Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal, especially in war, business, or politics
  • Disinvestment - the act of taking money out of a particular country, industry, or business, and investing it somewhere else
  • Overseas -  happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country
  • Assessment - the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully
  • Flag carrier - the main national airline of a country 
  • Constrained - behaving in a way that is very controlled and not natural
  • Woefully - used for emphasizing that something is very bad or does not happen enough
  • Accelerate - to happen or make something happen at a faster rate
  • Accumulate - to get more and more of something over a period of time
  • Lucrative - bringing a lot of money
  • Long-haul - a long period of hard work
  • Unambiguous - clear and with only one possible meaning
  • Road map - a plan or set of instructions that makes it easier for someone to do something
  • Crucial -  something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something
  • Mandatory - ordered by a law or rule
  • Sourcing - the act of getting something, especially products or materials, from a particular place
  • Urge - to advise someone very strongly about what action or attitude they should take
  • Requisite -  necessary for a particular purpose
  • Upgradation - the process of improving the quality or usefulness of something
  • Better late than never - used for telling someone you are happy that they did something, but you wish they had done it earlier
Hindu Editorial Topic 8 : "Water equity: On Cauvery verdict"
  • Equity - a fair and reasonable way of behaving towards people, so that everyone is treated in the same way
  • Verdict -  an official judgment made in a court
  • Finality - the fact or feeling that something has ended and has no possible future
  • Uphold - if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct
  • Dispute - a serious disagreement, especially one between groups of people that lasts for a long time
  • Tribunal - a special law court organized to judge a particular case
  • Prospect - the possibility that something will happen
  • Viable - able to work as intended or able to succeed
  • Riparian - at the edge of a river, or relating to this area
  • Primacy - the fact of being more powerful or important than anything else
  • Significant - very important 
  • Equitable - fair and reasonable because everyone is treated in the same way
  • Inter-State - existing or taking place between states
  • Framework - a system of rules, laws, agreements etc that establish the way that something operates in business, politics, or society
  • Affirmation - an action of support or approval
  • Ad hoc - done only when needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation
  • Deficit - the amount by which something is too small
  • Cavil - to argue or protest about unimportant details
  • Quantum - the smallest amount or unit of something
  • Obligation - something that you must do for legal or moral reasons
  • Adhere - to obey a rule, law, agreement etc
  • Legitimate - fair and reasonable
  • Grievance - a complaint about being treated in an unfair way
  • Redress - something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for
  • Agrarian - relating to or involving farming or farmers
  • Distress - a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
  • Take heart - to feel encouraged
  • Mandatory - ordered by a law or rule
  • Aggrieved - feeling angry and unhappy because you think you have been treated in an unfair way
  • Stipulation - to say what is allowed or what is necessary
  • At the heart of something - to be the most important part of something
  • Pragmatic - involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories and ideas
  • Culmination - the final result of a process or situation
  • Adjudicate - to make an official decision about a problem or disagreement
  • Impediment - something that makes it more difficult for someone to do something or more difficult for something to happen
  • Bounty - the good things that something provides
  • Distress - an unpleasant and difficult situation caused by a lack of money, food, or other basic things
  • Dither - to be unable to make a decision about doing something
  • Protracted - continuing for a long time, especially longer than is normal or necessary
  • Oblige - to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something
  • Deservedly - used for saying that what happens is right
  • Comply with - to obey a rule or law, or to do what someone asks you to do
  • Ample - enough, and often more than you need
  • Adjudicate - to make an official decision about a problem or disagreement
  • Emotive - causing strong feelings
  • Conscientious - working hard and careful to do things well
Hindu Editorial Topic 9 : "Citizen count: on Assam's draft NRC"
  • Draft - something such as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it is finished
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Prod - to persuade or encourage someone to do something
  • Unrelenting - used for describing someone who continues to do something with a lot of determination
  • Scrutiny - careful examination of someone or something
  • Panic - a sudden strong feeling of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly
  • Anxiety - a worried feeling you have because you think something bad might happen
  • Contour - the shape of the outside edge of something 
  • Consolidate - to combine several small things, especially companies or organizations, into one large unit
  • Implication - a possible effect or result
  • Immigrant - someone who comes to live in a country from another country
  • Protracted - continuing for a long time, especially longer than is normal or necessary
  • Contestation - the act of arguing or disagreeing about something
  • Vexed - full of difficulties
  • Trigger - to make something happen
  • Agitation - an attempt to cause social or political changes by arguing or protesting, or through other activities
  • Roil - to seriously disturb; to throw into confusion
  • Expulsion - an occasion when someone is officially forced to leave an organization or activity permanently because of their bad behaviour
  • Alien - someone who is not a citizen of the country they are living in
  • Propel - to cause someone to do a particular thing or to cause something to happen
  • Debatable - something that is debatable is not certain because it is possible for people to have different opinions about it
  • Turn a blind eye - to pretend you do not notice something, because you should do something about it but you do not want to
  • Cultivate - to grow crops or plants, especially in large quantities
  • Cut-and-dried - if something is cut and dried, it is already clearly decided or settled
  • Elapsed - passed
  • Sneak - to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere secretly
  • Confine - to exist only in a particular area or group of people
  • Daunting - something that is daunting makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do
  • Deportation - to force someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law
  • Treaty - an official written agreement between two or more countries
  • Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
  • Migrant - someone who travels to another place or country in order to find work
  • Manifesto - a formal statement expressing the aims and plans of a group or organization, especially a political party
  • Undermine -  to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful
  • Denominational - relating to a particular religious group
  • Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
  • Transparent - simple, clear, and easy to understand
  • Contentious - causing disagreement between people or groups
Hindu Editorial Topic 10 : "Promise and delivery: on Union Budget 2018"
  • Bridge the gap - to reduce the differences that separate two things or groups
  • Construe - to understand the meaning of something in a particular way
  • Tug-of-war - a situation in which two people or groups try in a very determined way to get something that they want
  • Populism - politics that represents the interests and opinions of ordinary people
  • Prudence - the state of being careful in the way you make decisions or spend money so that you avoid unnecessary risks
  • Arguably - used for stating your opinion or belief, especially when you think other people may disagree
  • Prevail - to be the strongest influence or element in a situation
  • Table - to suggest formally in a meeting something that you would like everyone to discuss
  • Upper hand - control or an advantage over a person or situation 
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Exceptional - extremely good or impressive in a way that is unusual
  • Buoyancy - the ability of a company, financial institution, or economy to be successful again after a difficult period
  • Disinvestment - the act of taking money out of a particular country, industry, or business, and investing it somewhere else
  • Shortfall - a lack of something that you need or want, or the amount that you lack
  • Mop-up - to finish something by dealing with a few final details
  • Dividend - a share of the profits of a company, paid once or twice a year to the people who own the company’s shares
  • Ease off - to start to treat someone / something less severely
  • Consolidation - the action or process of making something stronger or more solid
  • Deficit - the difference between the amount of money or goods that a country or business has and the amount that it has spent or that it owes
  • Peg - to keep prices, salaries, or the amount of something at a particular level, often in relation to something else
  • Prepare the ground for something - to do things that make it possible or easier for something to happen or for someone to do something
  • Deviation - a difference in the usual or expected way of doing something
  • War chest - money that a political party or a business has available to spend on something such as an election campaign or a business deal
  • Unerring - exact and accurate
  • Root cause - the basic cause of something
  • Distress - a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
  • Unremunerative - bringing little or no profit or income
  • Ameliorate - to improve something, or to make it less severe
  • Intent - the intention to do something
  • Rely - to depend on or trust someone or something
  • Significantly - by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable
  • Materialise - to happen or to become real
  • Assert -  to state firmly that something is true
  • Modest - fairly small, especially when compared with other things of the same type
  • Fool-proof - a foolproof method, plan, or system is so well designed that it cannot go wrong or is certain to succeed
  • Moot - to suggest something as a subject for discussion
  • Modality - a particular way of doing or experiencing something
  • Tyranny - the power that something has to control people’s lives and the way that they behave
  • Ambitious - an ambitious plan, aim, or attempt is difficult and will need a lot of effort to succeed
  • Massive - very large or heavy
  • Bankroll - to provide the money for something
  • Grandiose - intended to achieve something important or difficult, but unlikely to be successful because of not being sensible
  • Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
  • Overwhelming - very great or very large
  • Outcome - the possible or likely result of something
  • Alleviate - to make something less severe or serious
  • Minority - a small number of people or things that are part of a larger group but different in some way from most of the group
  • Mere - only / just
  • Infrastructure - the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example the telephone and transport systems in a country
  • Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
  • Bankroll - to provide the money for something
  • Outlay - the amount of money that you must spend in order to buy something or to start a new business or project
  • Rural - relating to the countryside, or in the countryside
  • Frugal - spending very little money and only on things that are really necessary
  • Belie - to seem to show that a promise, hope, statement etc is not true
  • Reimbursement - to give someone the same amount of money that they have spent
  • Clamour - an urgent request for something by a lot of people
  • Across-the-board - involving everyone or everything in a place or situation
  • Overwhelming - much larger, stronger, more important etc than anything else in a situation
  • Slash - to reduce something by a large amount
  • Salariat - salaried white-collar workers
  • Offset - to balance the effect of something, with the result that there is no advantage or disadvantage
  • Payout - a large amount of money paid to someone
  • Vexatious - making you feel annoyed, confused, or worried
  • Vulnerable - easily damaged by something negative or harmful
  • Dwindle - to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains
  • Risk-averse - opposed to taking risks, or only willing to take small risks
  • Dampen - to make something  less strong
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Affluent - rich enough to buy things for pleasure
  • Modest - fairly small, especially when compared with other things of the same type
  • Levy - an amount of money that you have to pay, for example as a tax
  • Half-hearted - done with no real interest or enthusiasm
  • Constraint - something that limits your freedom to do what you want
  • Stabilise - to reach a state where there are no longer any major changes or problems
  • Welfare - help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money

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Top 10 Hindu Editorials of the year 2018 with Meanings (Pdf Download) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 31, 2018 sponsored links Friends, due to my mother's ill health, I had to stay in a remote villiage with no internet connection. So I was una...

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