Chemistry Quiz Based on Adda247 Book : 10th October 2018

October 10, 2018    

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With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, SSC MTS and other prominent competitive exams is required to ace your performance in these sought after govt job. based exams. And to facilitate you with an extraordinary experience of learning via the best study content of ADDA247 Publication Books, we will be providing daily quizzes of all the four mandatory subjects let it be Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning and General Awareness right away from ADDA247 Publication Best Books For all SSC Exams to facilitate you with our Publication Books' efficiency encompassed with comprehensive study material subsumed with holistic notes, Practice Sets and Exercises. 

Starting from today, the quizzes on SSCADDA for all SSC Exams will be based on ADDA247 Publication Books to make you experience a beneficial journey which drum up your efforts, preparation strategy and time managing skills. GA holds its own importance in all SSC Exams and General Science is its one significant part, considering the same, today's Chemistry Quiz is all set to catalyze your preparation.

Q1. Which among the following has the maximum density?
निम्नलिखित में से किसका घनत्व अधिकतम होता है
(a) Water/पानी
(b) Ice/बर्फ
(c) Ethylene/ एथिलीन
(d) Acetone/ एसीटोन
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Sol. Water has maximum density.

Q2. What happens in an oxidation reaction?
ऑक्सीकरण प्रतिक्रिया में क्या होता है?
(a) Protons are lost./ प्रोटॉन कम हो जाते हैं
(b) Electrons are lost/ इलेक्ट्रॉन कम हो जाते हैं
(c) Neutrons are lost./ न्यूट्रॉन कम हो जाते हैं
(d) Electrons are gained./ इलेक्ट्रॉन प्राप्त होते हैं
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Sol. Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.

Q3. The reactions in which oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously are called _______.
प्रतिक्रियाएं जिसमें ऑक्सीकरण और कमी एक साथ होती है उन्हें _______ कहा जाता है.
(a) Feral reactions/ फारल प्रतिक्रियाएं
(b) Redox reactions/ रेडॉक्स प्रतिक्रियाएं
(c) Demug reactions/ डीमग प्रतिक्रियाएं
(d) Kerol reactions/ केरोल प्रतिक्रियाएं
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Sol. A redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves both oxidation and reduction simultaneously.

Q4. Who discovered Nitrogen?
नाइट्रोजन किसने खोजा?
(a) Faraday/ फैराडे
(b) Heisenberg/ हाइजेनबर्ग
(c) Hooke/ हूक
(d) Rutherford/ रदरफोर्ड
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Sol. Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. It was first discovered and isolated by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772.

Q5. Device used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation (alpha, beta and gamma)
डिवाइस सभी प्रकार के विकिरण (अल्फा, बीटा और गामा) के पहचान और माप के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है
(a) Geiger counter/ गीगर काउंटर
(b) Polarimeter/ ध्रुवणमापी
(c) Calorimeter/कैलोरीमीटर
(d) Radiometer/ रेडियोमीटर
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Sol.A Geiger counter (Geiger-Muller tube) is a device used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

Q6. Haematite is an ore/mineral of
हेमाटाइट _____ का एक अयस्क / खनिज है.
(a) Zinc/ जस्ता
(b) Iron/ लोहा
(c) Lead/ लीड
(d) Manganese/ मैंगनीज
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Sol. Haematite is an ore of Iron.

Q7. Which among the following is false about alpha particles?
अल्फा कणों के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से क्या गलत है?
(a) They have high ionizing power/ उनके पास उच्च आयनीकरण शक्ति है
(b) They have high penetrating power/ उनके पास उच्च मर्मज्ञ शक्ति है
(c) They have high kinetic energy/ उनके पास उच्च गतिशील ऊर्जा है
(d) They are positively charged helium nuclei/ वे धनात्मक आवेश हीलियम नाभिक हैं 
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Sol. Alpha particles made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons and they have low penetrating power.

Q8. Which among the following is not a characteristic of oxidation reaction?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ऑक्सीकरण प्रतिक्रिया की विशेषता नहीं है?
(a) It involves addition of hydrogen/इसमें हाइड्रोजन का संयोजन शामिल है
(b) It involves addition of oxygen/इसमें ऑक्सीजन का संयोजन शामिल है
(c) It involves loss of electrons/इसमें इलेक्ट्रान का न्युन्न शामिल है
(d) It involves addition of electronegative element/ इसमें ऋणात्मक तत्व का संयोजन शामिल हैं 
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Sol.Oxidation is loss of eletrons and addition of oxygen.It also involve addition of electronegative element.

Q9. Soda water was invented by
सोडा पानी का आविष्कार___द्वारा किया गया था.
(a) Tivadar Puskas / तिवादर पुस्कास
(b) Joseph Priestley /जोसेफ प्रीस्टली
(c) Petrache Poenaru /पेट्राचे पोएनारु
(d) James Leonard Plimpton /जेम्स लियोनार्ड प्लिम्पटन 
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Sol.Soda water was invented by Joseph Priestley.

Q10. The mass of proton and mass of ________ is same.
प्रोटॉन का द्रव्यमान और ________ का द्रव्यमान समान है।
(a) Neutron / न्यूट्रॉन
(b) Electron / इलेक्ट्रॉन
(c) Isoprone / इसोप्रोन
(d) Alpha particle / अल्फा कण
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Sol.Protons and neutrons have nearly the same mass while electrons are much less massive.

Q11. Using which of the following processes can one separate a solute from its solution?
निम्न प्रक्रियाओं में से किसका प्रयोग करने से एक विलेय को उसके घोल से अलग कर  सकते हैं?
(a) Sedimentation /अवसादन
(b) Evaporation /वाष्पीकरण
(c) Filtration /निस्पंदन
(d) Condensation /संघनन
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Sol.Evaporation can separate a solute from its solution.

Q12.  Which among the following is not a characteristic of transition metals?
इनमें से कौन सी संक्रमण धातुओं की विशेषता नहीं है
(a) Tendency to gain electrons/ इलेक्ट्रॉनों को प्राप्त करने की प्रवृत्ति
(b) Low electronegativity/ कम इलेक्ट्ररोगोटाविटी
(c) Low ionization energy/ कम आयनीकरण ऊर्जा
(d) Malleability/ लचीलापान
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Sol. Transition metals doen’t have tendency to gain electrons.

Q13. Ethylene is a ______ molecule.
इथाइलीन एक ______ अणु है
(a) polar/ ध्रुवीय
(b) ionic/आयनिक
(c) covalent/ सहसंयोजक
(d) nonpolar/ अध्रुवीय
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Sol.Ehthylene is a hydrocarbon which has the formula C2H4 since the double bond is between two carbon atoms so there is no difference in electronegativity.That’s why the shared pair of electron come lie in between those to carbon atoms, so ethylene is non polar.

Q14. _________ gets converted to phosgene, when exposed to sunlight.
सूरज की रोशनी के संपर्क में आने पर _________ फ़ॉस्जीन में परिवर्तित हो जाता है
(a) Chloroform/क्लोरोफार्म
(b) Acetone/एसीटोन
(c) Benzene/बेंजीन
(d) Propylene/प्रोपलीन
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Sol.Phosgene can form from chloroform, in presence of oxygen and UV light.

Q15. Who discovered benzene?
बेंजीन की खोज किसने की थी?
(a) Hal Anger/हाल एंगर
(b) Michael Faraday/माइकल फैराडे
(c) Bruce Ames/ब्रूस एम्स
(d) Nicolas Appert/निकोलस एपर्ट
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Sol.Benzene was first discovered by the English scientist Michael Faraday in 1825

Chemistry Quiz Based on Adda247 Book : 10th October 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 10, 2018 Dear aspirants, With the passing months, exam preparation for govt. exams viz. SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC JE, ...

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