Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 3rd May

May 3, 2018    

Dear Readers,
If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable. In Exams like SSC CPO and and SSC CGL where dealing with English and General Awareness Section is mandatory, reading this way is beneficial. If you find it arduous to learn new words in a plain mode, ADDA247 is here to buttress your learning skills in a more fun and productive way.

Taking felicitous snippet from well reputed newspaper editorials, our motive is not just to make you learn the English language but keep you updated with the current affairs and events across the world which are important from the govt exams point of view. Either you are a job aspirant or a working person or just want to outsmart others, this is a befitting platform to expedite your performance thoroughly.


The government’s decision to involve the Dalmia Bharat group in the maintenance of the Red Fort has (1) spawned a much- needed debate on the conversation of historical sites. The move to involve the corporate group in the maintenance one of the country’s most iconic monuments is given the scale of the problem heritage conservation presents. The business house will spend Rs 25 crore over the next 5 years on the fort’s (2) upkeep. The money will be used to fund a light and sound show at the fort, and for providing (3) amenities like clean toilets and street furniture.

The ASI, a more than 150-years old agency, is officially- responsible for the upkeep of India’s 3,600-odd protected monuments. But only in the rare instance does the agency shed its colonial (4) mooring. The deficiency of the ASI’s scientific branch have been laid bare in the agency’s (5) floundering attempts to (6) stave off the imprints of pollution from the Taj Mahal.

Since 1994, workers have been assiduously applying Fuller’s Earth to the tombs and minarets of the mausoleum of Shahjahan’s favourite queen in an attempt to provide what can -most charitably-be called cosmetic relief against the (7) grime (8) gnawing away the world’s grandest monument to love. The trouble is that, for the most part, the ASI sees its role as policing entry to monuments and warding of (9) encroachers It has failed miserably, even at that. In 2013, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India reported that more than 90 monuments under the ASI’s charge were missing. The questions then are: Has the agency learnt lessons? Or does heritage conservation require an even more radical (10) paradigm shift?

1. SPAWN (verb)=आह्वान करना
Meaning: to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind)
Synonym: invoke, instigate, contribute, catalyze, actuate, beget, blaze, fulfill, engender, inject, prompt.
Antonyms: crush, dampen, put down, quash, quell, repress, smother, squash, squelch, stifle, subdue, suppress, curb, restrain, retard.

2. UPKEEP (noun)=अनुरक्षण
Meaning: the act or activity of keeping something in an existing and usually satisfactory condition.
Synonyms: maintenance, repair, protection, servicing, care, preservation, conservation, running.
Antonyms: dereliction, disregard, ignoring, neglect, negligence, damage, demolition, destruction.

3. AMENITY (noun)=सुविधा
Meaning: a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.
Synonyms: facility, service, convenience, resource, utility, appliance, aid, arrangement, equipment, frill, indulgence, luxury, superfluity.
Antonyms: basic, essential, fundamental, necessity, requirement, burden, millstone.

4. MOORING (noun)=स्थिरता
Meaning: a source of stability or security.
Synonyms: tying, securing, anchoring, case, encampment, embankment, bunk.
Antonym: takeoff

5. FLOUNDER (verb)=बुरा प्रबंध करना
Meaning: to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually.
Synonyms: struggle, thrash, flail, twist and turn, pitch, splash, stagger, stumble, falter, lurch, fumble, grope, squirm, writhe.
Antonyms: drift, float, hover, poise, waft, breeze, coast, glide, slide, waltz, whisk.

6. STAVE OFF (phrasal verb) =बचाना
Meaning: to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation away, usually temporarily.

7. GRIME (noun)=सतह पर जमा हुआ 
Meaning: dirt ingrained on the surface of something or embedded in a surface.
Synonyms: smut, soot, dust, mud, filth, mire, sludge, dross, gunge, crud, stain, muck.
Antonyms: cleanliness, fresh, sanitary, pure, neat, bright.

8. GNAW (verb)=कष्ट देना
Meaning: cause persistent distress or anxiety.
Synonyms: nag, torment, torture, trouble, haunt, oppress, burden, bother, fret, rankle with, fester.
Antonyms: mitigate, comfort, pacify, assist, ameliorate, conserve, revitalize, revive.

9. ENCROACHER (noun) =अनाहूत प्रवेष्टा
Meaning: someone who enters by force in order to conquer.
Synonyms: intruder, trespasser, invader, usurper, aggressor, offender, meddler, pillager, interrupter.
Antonyms: ignorer.

10. PARADIGM (noun)=रूप-निदर्शन
Meaning: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about.
Synonyms: epitome, ideal, prototype, archetype, exemplar, ensample, standard, pattern, template.
Antonyms: follower, descendant, imperfect.


1. Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned construction of the Red Fort on 12 May 1639, when he decided to shift his capital from Agra to Delhi. Its design is credited to architect Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, who also constructed the Taj Mahal. The fort lies along the Yamuna River. The Construction supervised by Shah Jahan, it was completed on 6 April 1648.

2. Most of the jewels and artworks of the Red Fort were looted and stolen during Nadir Shah's invasion of 1747 and again after the failed Indian Rebellion of 1857 against the British. They were eventually sold to private collectors or the British Museum, British Library and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
For example, the Koh-i-Noor diamond, the jade wine cup of Shah Jahan and the crown of Bahadur Shah II are all currently located in London. Various requests for restitution have so far been rejected by the British government.

3. Every year on India's Independence Day (15 August), the Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at the Red Fort and delivers a nationally broadcast speech from its ramparts.

4. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is a Government of India (Ministry of Culture) organization responsible for archaeological research and the conservation and preservation of cultural monuments in the country. It was founded in 1861 by Alexander Cunningham who also became its first Director-General in British Raj.

5. The first systematic research into the subcontinent's history was conducted by the Asiatic Society, which was founded by the British Indologist William Jones on January 15, 1784. Notable among its early members was Charles Wilkins who published the first English translation of the Bhagavad Gita in 1785. However, the most important of the society's achievements was the decipherment of the Brahmi script by James Prinsep in 1837.

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- http://www.sscadda.com/2018/05/learn-vocab-with-daily-news-articles3.html
Learn Vocab With Daily News Articles For Govt Exams: 3rd May 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 3, 2018 Dear Readers, If we speak of hot topics like career, education and a propitious life, the English Language is ineluctable.   In   Exam...

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