Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 14th May

May 14, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. On the 3rd and final leg of 3 nation visit of vice president of India M Venkaiah Naidu, India and Peru signed an agreement in the field of ______________ at Lima.
भारतीय के उपराष्ट्रपति एम वेंकैया नायडू के मध्य अमेरिका की 3-राष्ट्र यात्रा के अंतिम में चरण भारत और पेरू ने लीमा में ________ के क्षेत्र में एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए. है.
(a) Defence Sector /रक्षा क्षेत्र
(b) Education Sector / शिक्षा क्षेत्र
(c) Health Sector / स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्र
(d) Renewable Energy / नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा
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Sol. India and Peru signed an agreement in the field of Renewable Energy at Lima. The pact was signed in the presence of Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu and the Prime Minister Cesar Villanueva Arevalo. This is the final leg of the 3-Nation visit to central America of Indian Vice- President.

Q2. The California-based aerospace company, SpaceX has blasted off its most powerful Falcon 9 rocket, which is certified to carry humans to space later this year. The Block 5 Falcon 9 rocket’s main goal for its maiden mission is to propel the first high-orbit communications satellite for which of the following country?
कैलिफ़ोर्निया स्थित एयरोस्पेस कंपनी, स्पेसएक्स ने अपने सबसे शक्तिशाली फाल्कन 9 रॉकेट को छोड़  दिया है, जिसे इस वर्ष के अंत में मनुष्यों को अंतरिक्ष में ले जाने के लिए प्रमाणित किया गया है. अपने पहले मिशन के लिए ब्लॉक 5 फाल्कन 9 रॉकेट का मुख्य लक्ष्य निम्नलिखित में से किस देश के लिए पहले उच्च-कक्षा संचार उपग्रह को बढ़ावा देना है, जिसे बांगबंधू सैटेलाइट -1 भी कहा जाता है.
(a) Nepal / नेपाल
(b) India/ भारत
(c) Bangladesh / बांग्लादेश
(d) Pakistan / पाकिस्तान
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Sol. The California-based aerospace company, SpaceX has blasted off its most powerful Falcon 9 rocket, which is certified to carry humans to space later this year. The Block 5 Falcon 9 rocket’s main goal for its maiden mission is to propel the first high-orbit communications satellite for Bangladesh, called Bangabandhu Satellite-1.

Q3. General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Army the Staff released the book 'Across the Bench - Insight into the Indian Military Judicial System'. The book has been written by the former Army Commander _____________.
सेना के अध्यक्ष जनरल बिपिन रावत ने 'एक्रॉस द बेंच - इनसाइट ईंटो दि इंडियन मिलिट्री जुडिशल सिस्टम' पुस्तक जारी की है. यह पुस्तक सेना के किस पूर्व कमांडर द्वारा लिखी गयी है?
(a) Lt Gen Vijay Shankar / लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल विजय शंकर
(b) Lt Gen Tribhuvan Das/ लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल त्रिभुवन दास
(c) Lt Gen swamidev Aiyar/ लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल स्वामीदेव अय्यर
(d) Lt Gen Gyan Bhushan / लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल ज्ञान भूषण
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Sol. General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Army the Staff released the book 'Across the Bench - Insight into the Indian Military Judicial System' by Lt Gen Gyan Bhushan, former Army Commander and Member 'A', Armed Forces Tribunal, Lucknow Bench.

Q4. Name the Nobel laureate and noted economist who was honoured with the 11th KISS Humanitarian Award 2018 at a function held in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 
किस नोबेल विजेता और प्रसिद्ध अर्थशास्त्री को भुवनेश्वर, ओडिशा में आयोजित एक समारोह में 11वें केआईएसएस (KISS) मानवतावादी पुरस्कार 2018 से सम्मानित किया गया.
(a) Zakir Khan/ जाकिर खान
(b) Muhammad Yunus/ मोहम्मद यूनुस
(c) Abdullah Ansari/ अब्दुल्ला अंसारी
(d) Mohammad Anas/ मोहम्मद अनास
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Sol. Nobel laureate and noted economist Muhammad Yunus was honoured with the 11th KISS Humanitarian Award 2018 at a function held in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Q5. Name the British film editor who won an Oscar for David Lean’s epic film Lawrence of Arabia and has passed away, recently.
डेविड लीन की महाकाव्य फिल्म लॉरेंस ऑफ अरब के लिए ऑस्कर जीतने वाले किस ब्रिटिश फिल्म संपादक का निधन हो गया है. 
(a) David Lean/ डेविड लीन
(b) Jim Clark/ जिम क्लार्क
(c) Anne V. Coates/ ऐनी वी कोटेस
(d) Antony Gibbs/ एंटनी गिब्स
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Sol. British film editor Anne V. Coates, who won an Oscar for David Lean’s epic film Lawrence of Arabia, has passed away. She was 92. Coates received five Best Film Editing Oscar nominations over the course of her career for Becket (1963), The Elephant Man (1980), In the Line of Fire (1993) and Out of Sight (1998) in addition to her nom and win for Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

Q6. International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated every year all around the world on ____________ to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Florence Nightingale and to mark the nurse's contributions towards people’s health.
फ़्लोरेंस नाइटिंगेल की जयंती मनाने और लोगों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए नर्स के योगदान को चिह्नित करने के लिए ________को दुनिया भर में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नर्स दिवस (IND) मनाया जाता है.
(a) 8 May
(b) 10 May
(c) 14 May
(d) 12 May
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Sol. International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated every year all around the world on 12th of May to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Florence Nightingale and to mark the nurse's contributions towards people’s health. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has chosen the theme “Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right” for IND 2018.

Q7. Indian Customs and Department of India Posts held a first-ever Joint Conference in ____________ to deliberate on streamlining of imports and exports by post.
भारतीय सीमा शुल्क और डाक विभाग ने आयात और निर्यात को सुव्यवस्थित करने पर विचार-विमर्श के लिए ________ में पहला संयुक्त सम्मेलन आयोजित किया.
(a) Gurugram / गुरुग्राम
(b) New Delhi/ नई दिल्ली
(c) Pune/ पुणे
(d) Mumbai/ मुंबई
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Sol. Indian Customs and Department of India Posts held a first-ever Joint Conference in Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi to deliberate on streamlining of imports and exports by post.

Q8. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of _____________ and is known as the Father of Microfinance.
मोहम्मद यूनुस _____________ के संस्थापक हैं और उन्हें माइक्रोफाइनेंस के पिता के रूप में जाना जाता है
(a) Grameen Bank/ ग्रामीण बैंक
(b) Private Bank/ निजी बैंक
(c) Commercial Bank/ वाणिज्यिक बैंक
(d) Foreign Bank/ विदेशी बैंक
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Sol. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank and is known as the Father of Microfinance.

Q9. Peru is a country in South America. Where is the Capital of Peru?
पेरू दक्षिण अमेरिका में एक देश है. पेरू की राजधानी क्या है?
(a) Luanda/ लुआंडा
(b) Khartoum/ खर्तौम
(c) Bandar Seri Begawan/ बंदर सेरी बेगवान
(d) Lima/ लीमा
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Sol. Lima is the capital city of Peru.

Q10. What is the theme for International Nurses Day (IND), that International Council of Nurses (ICN) has chosen?
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिषद नर्स (ICN) द्वारा इंटरनेशनल नर्स डे (IND) के लिए चयनित विषय क्या है?
(a) Nurses: Working with the Poor; Against Poverty
(b) Nurses: Fighting AIDS stigma, working for all
(c) Nurses Always There for You: Caring for Families
(d) Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right
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Sol. International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated every year all around the world on 12th of May to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Florence Nightingale and to mark the nurse's contributions towards people’s health. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has chosen the theme “Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a Human right” for IND 2018.

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