Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

May 19, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words and phrases from articles published in a reputed Newspaper.

1. SAGE (adjective) बुद्धिमान
Meaning: profoundly wise.
Synonyms: wise, knowledgeable, sensible, intellectual, scholarly, sagacious, erudite, discerning, judicious, canny, astute, shrewd, prudent, insightful, percipient, perspicacious.
Antonyms: dumb, feebleminded, foolish, imbecile, knuckleheaded, moronic, silly, slow-witted, stupid, thoughtless, witless.
Usage: A sage suggestion that they think long and hard before deciding to marry at such a young age.

2. PRATTLE (verb) बकबक करना
Meaning:  talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
Synonyms: chatter, babble, prate, blather, ramble, gabble, jabber, maunder, drivel, patter, jibber-jabber, blabber, natter, waffle.
Antonyms: quiet, silence, clamor, enunciate, articulate, pronounce.
Usage: To make others envious, Reena likes to prattle on about her great job.

3. UNENVIABLE (adjective) अवांछनीय
Meaning: difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant.
Synonyms: disagreeable, difficult, nasty, odious, bunglesome, inapt, unwanted, awkward, embarrassing.
Antonyms: loveable, desirable, enviable, alluring, apposite, pertinent.
Usage: They already have the unenviable task of supervising some of the most dangerous prisoners in the country.

4. SCUPPER (verb) तबाह करना
Meaning: prevent from working or succeeding; thwart.
Synonyms: ruin, wreck, destroy, devastate, damage, spoil, mar, injure, blast, blight, smash, shatter, dash, torpedo, scotch, sabotage.
Antonyms: guard, shelter, shield, swathe, shroud, envelop.
Usage: The latest information could scupper the peace talks.

5. TROVE (noun) कोष
Meaning: a store of valuable or delightful things.
Synonyms: accumulation, agglomeration, backlog, conglomeration, heap, pile, reservoir, stock
Store, supply.
Antonyms: trash, litter, junk, dispersion, reduction, shrinkage.
Usage: I discovered a trove of candy bars and pop tarts in my teen son's pillow case.

6. GRIPE (verb) कष्ट देना
Meaning: to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely.
Synonyms: bellyache, bleat, carp, complain, crab, croak, fuss, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grump, nag, scream, squawk, squeal, whimper, whine.
Antonyms: bear, countenance, endure, tolerate, applaud, cheer, commend, delight, rejoice.
Usage: Her tendency to gripe constantly drove everyone away.

7. COZEN (verb) छलना
Meaning: to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery.
Synonyms: bamboozle, beguile, bluff, deceive, delude, dupe, gaff, gull, hoax, hoodwink, humbug, juggle, misguide.
Antonyms: debunk, expose, reveal, show up, uncloak, uncover, unmask, disclose, divulge, unveil
disabuse, disenchant.
Usage: Dicing-houses, where cheaters meet, and cozen young men out of their money.

8. HEYDAY (noun) उमंग का समय
Meaning: the period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity, activity, or vigor.
Synonyms: prime, peak, height, pinnacle, acme, zenith, culmination, salad days, high noon.
Antonyms: decay, decline, downfall, bottom, nadir, shriveling, wilting, withering.
Usage: In its heyday, the circus was a major form of entertainment for small-town America.

9. LOUT (noun) गंवार
Meaning: a big clumsy often slow-witted person.
Synonyms: ignoramus, imbecile, dunce, dunderhead, fathead, dimwit.
Antonyms: brain, egghead, genius, intellectual, sage, thinker, whiz, wizard.
Usage: But this question was beyond the poor lout's intelligence; he could only blubber and fend off possible chastisement.

10. EXEGESIS (noun) टिप्पणी
Meaning: an explanation or critical interpretation of a text.
Synonyms: interpretation, exposition, explication, elucidation, clarification, gloss, annotation, illustration.
Antonyms: pain point.
Usage: The student's exegesis of the novel was one of the best summaries the professor had ever read.

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Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 19, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descr...

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