Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

May 17, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words and phrases from articles published in a reputed Newspaper.

1. PEJORATIVE (adjective) अपमानजनक
Meaning: expressing contempt or disapproval.
Synonyms: disparaging, derogatory, deprecatory, slanderous, vituperative, contemptuous, invective, contumelious.
Antonyms: applauding, approving, friendly, appreciative, kindhearted, sympathetic, commendatory, laudatory.
Usage: While the movie critic made pejorative comments about the film’s plot, he praised the lead actor.

2. RECIDIVISM (noun) फिर से अपराध करने लगना
Meaning: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior.
Synonyms: relapse, reversion, lapse, reverting, backsliding.
Antonyms: get well, begin, recede, claim, progressive
Usage: The mentor program hopes to reduce recidivism by keeping juvenile offenders off the streets.

3. STYMIE (verb) निस्र्पाय बनाना
Meaning: prevent or hinder the progress of.
Synonyms: impede, interfere, hamper, obstruct, inhibit, thwart, foil, spoil, stall, shackle, fetter, stop, cripple, scotch.
Antonyms: unclog, unplug, free, liberate, release, untie, loosen, encourage, promote, aid, assist, facilitate.
Usage: The raging blizzard stymied the rescuers' attempts to find the stranded mountain climbers.

4. SUFFUSE (verb) फैलाना
Meaning: gradually spread through or over.
Synonyms: permeate, bathe, pervade, imbue, inculcate, infuse, ingrain, fill, load, impregnate, steep.
Antonyms: deprive, divest, strip, empty, eliminate, depleted, drizzle, dribble, lacking.
Usage: When the injured man fell to the ground, blood started to suffuse around him.

5. TRENCHANT (adjective) तीव्र
Meaning: vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
Synonyms: cutting, pointed, piercing, penetrating, sharp, keen, acute, emphatic, forthright, blunt, mordant, pungent, scathing, caustic, acidulous.
Antonyms: rounded, smooth, soft, blunt, dull, obtuse, ineffective, listless.
Usage: Sometimes your tone of voice is so trenchant that you come across as being a mean person

6. REPREHENSIBLE (adjective) दोषारोपण करने योग्य
Meaning: deserving censure or condemnation.
Synonyms: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, culpable, ignoble, errant, objectionable, odious, opprobrious, repugnant, unforgivable, sinful, scandalous, iniquitous.
Antonyms: guiltless, innocent, blameless, faultless, impeccable, irreproachable, flawless.
Usage: reprehensible tyrant, who oppressed his country for decades, has finally been brought to justice.

7. STOLID (adjective) निष्ठुर
Meaning: calm, dependable, and showing little emotion.
Synonyms: impassive, phlegmatic, placid, apathetic, unimaginative, indifferent, dull, bovine, lumpish, lethargic, torpid.
Antonyms: emotional, lively, imaginative, animated, dynamic, effervescent, exuberant, vivacious
eloquent, revelatory, demonstrative, expressive.
Usage: Even though the homeless little girl appeared to be hungry, my friend remained stolid and did not give her any money for food

8. ASSAY (verb) जॉँचना
Meaning: examine (something) in order to assess its nature.
Synonyms: evaluate, assess, analyze, examine, test, check, inspect, appraise, investigate, scrutinize, probe.
Antonyms: default, laxity, inattention, coalesce, dereliction, omission, heedlessness, delinquency, neglect, disregard.
Usage: They assayed the gold to determine its purity.

9. SCAD (noun) ढेर सारा
Meaning: a large number or quantity.
Synonyms: oodles, multiplicity, plenty, hoard, cluster, agglomeration, abundance, passel, bulk, assemblage, haul.
Antonyms: little, individual, one.
Usage: I have four dozen muffins to bake and scads of other things to do like cookies and cake for tomorrow afternoon.

10. TARRY (verb) विलंब करना
Meaning: to move or act slowly.
Synonyms: crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, delay, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, lollygag, mope.
Antonyms: barrel, course, dash, fly, hasten, hurry, race, run, rush, scoot, scud, scurry, whirl, whisk.
Usage: The dean tarried in making his decision of who should win the award.

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Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 17, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descr...

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