Cloze Tests for SBI Clerk Prelims: 3rd May 2018

May 3, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Reading Comprehension for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam: 28th April 2018

Today is the Day 12 of the SBI Clerk 60 Days Study Plan. This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on Cloze Tests being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

Directions (1-15): In the passage given below there are blanks which are to be filled with the options given below. Find out the appropriate word in each case which can most suitably complete the sentence without altering the meaning of the statement. 

In sentencing the man to imprisonment for the rest of his (1)…………… life for the murder of a 16-year-old girl in 2013, a Special Court in Boston has (2)……………faith in the criminal justice system. Two aides who facilitated the crime have been sentenced to 20 years in prison. At a time when these offences against women and minor girls are being reported with (3)…………… regularity, a (4)……………… of this sort reinforces public (5)………………. Holding powerful and (6)……………… heads of social institutions is not easy in this country, given the wide public support and political (7)……………… they enjoy. Fortunately, neither the investigators nor the (8)………………… in the case of the 77-year-old Andry Linston, who named himself Tom, seem to have been overawed by his large following or (9)……………… by his (10)………………… supporters. High-ranking police officers received letters and phone calls (11)……………… them and their families with (12).............. consequences, and witnesses were killed or attacked in the course of the  and trial. Against this backdrop, it took courage and determination for the victim and her family to seek justice. The facts are chilling. The victim’s parents, who were Tom’s devotees, were asked to take her from the Tom’s residential school at Alley Steet to his home, near Boston, (13)……………… to exorcise ‘evil spirits’ that had possessed her. The parents were asked to leave, and the girl had to be alone with him. She was sexually assaulted and then murdered. Fortunately, her father (14)……………….. to get a police complaint registered. It was later (15)…………… to Boston.

Q1.(a) bogus
(b) pure
(c) natural
(d) artificial
(e) complete

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S1. Ans.(c) Sol. Natural life- the expected span of a person's life or a thing's existence under normal circumstances.

Q2.(a) reinvigorated
(b) rejuvenises
(c) resists
(d) recovered
(e) rescind
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S2. Ans.(a) Sol. Reinvigorated- revitalized
Rescind- to finish the law

Q3.(a) continuing
(b) benumbing
(c) ghastly
(d) weak
(e) gruesome
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S3. Ans.(b) Sol. Benumbing- making numb or dead
Ghastly- horrifying
Gruesome- ghastly

Q4.(a) vendetta
(b) verdict
(c) vindictive
(d) decision
(e) judging
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S4. Ans.(b) Sol. Verdict- final judgment
Vendetta- a bitter, destructive feud normally between two families
Vindictive- revengeful

Q5.(a) reliability
(b) dependence
(c) mistrust
(d) trust
(e) truth
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S5. Ans.(d) Sol. Trust- faith; hope

Q6.(a) demanding
(b) commending
(c) remarkable
(d) entrusting
(e) influential
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S6. Ans.(e) Sol. Influential- that can create effect or can influence

Q7.(a) patronage
(b) favorable
(c) partiality
(d) hope
(e) freedom
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S7. Ans.(a) Sol. Patronage- the act of providing approval and support; backing

Q8.(a) protestor
(b) conspirator
(c) prosecutors
(d) supporters
(e) persuaders

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S8. Ans.(c) Sol. Prosecutors- those who prosecute

Q9.(a) initiated
(b) intimated
(c) intimidated
(d) intrigued
(e) initialized
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S9. Ans.(b) Sol. Intimidated- to be feared
Intrigued- a clandestine or complicated plot or scheme; stratagem
Intimated- closely acquainted; familiar

Q10.(a) baffled
(b) benumb
(c) bedlam
(d) belligerent
(e) benign

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S10. Ans.(d) Sol. Belligerent- engaged in war
Bedlam- chaotic situation
Baffled- confused
Benign- kind; gentle

Q11.(a) irritating
(b) endangered
(c) threatening
(d) annoying
(e) exasperating

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S11. Ans.(c) Sol. Threatening- that threatens
Exasperating- irritating

Q12.(a) dire
(b) weak
(c) good
(d) tough
(e) disgust

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S12. Ans.(a) Sol. Dire- urgent; awful

Q13.(a) completely
(b) variably
(c) ostensibly
(d) clearly
(e) immediately
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S13. Ans.(c) Sol. Ostensibly- pretentiously; apparently; seemingly

Q14.(a) directed
(b) managed
(c) handled
(d) achieved
(e) supported
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S14. Ans.(b) Sol. Managed- directed (but directed can’t be used here because it doesn’t go with the context of the statement)

Q15.(a) directed
(b) handled
(c) regulated
(d) transcended
(e) transferred

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S15. Ans.(e) Sol. Transferred- transmitted

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Cloze Tests for SBI Clerk Prelims: 3rd May 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 3, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Today is the  Day 12 of the SBI Clerk 60 Days Study Plan.  This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. S...

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