The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB PO 2017

July 29, 2017    

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB PO 2017

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few lines from The Hindu.

Example: The FSI trains the world’s biggest contingent of diplomats in a sprawling 74-acre campus in the suburbs of the U.S. capital, before they are deployed to the country’s 270 missions around the world.

1. Contingent [kuh n-tin-juh nt] 
Adjective: dependent for existence, occurrence, character, etc., on something not yet certain; conditional (often followed by on or upon); liable to happen or not; uncertain; possible; happening by chance or without known cause; fortuitous; accidental.
Noun: a quota of troops furnished; any one of the representative groups composing an assemblage; the proportion that falls to one as a share to be contributed or furnished.
Synonyms: unforeseen, accidental, chance, dependent, incidental, probable, casual, controlled by.
Antonyms: designed, essential, planned, certain, definite, real, sure, truthful.

2. Sprawl [sprawl] 
Verb: to be stretched or spread out in an unnatural or ungraceful manner; to sit or lie in a relaxed position with the limbs spread out carelessly or ungracefully; to spread out, extend, or be distributed in a straggling or irregular manner, as vines, buildings, handwriting, etc.; to crawl awkwardly with the aid of all the limbs; scramble.
Synonyms: drape, flop, loll, lounge, ramble, recline, slouch, straggle.
Antonyms: straighten, compress, stand.

3. Deploy [dih-ploi] 
Verb: Military. to spread out (troops) so as to form an extended front or line; to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately.
Synonyms: expand, open, set up, use, arrange, display, dispose, extend, position, unfold, utilize.
Antonyms: conclude, end, finish, conceal, disarrange.

Example: Departments such as aviation and agriculture for postings at diplomatic missions.

4. Aviation [ey-vee-ey-shuh n, av-ee-] 
Noun: the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft; military aircraft.
Synonyms: aeronautics, navigation, aerodynamics, flight, piloting.

Example: The four officers in the Tamil class are new recruits, and by early next year, they will , t working at the U.S. consulate in Chennai.

5. Consulate [kon-suh-lit] 
Noun: the premises officially occupied by a consul; the position, work, authority, or term of service of a consul.
Synonyms: ministry, consular office, government office.

Example: As the opposition parties become empty and enervated, the BJP’s majoritarianism sounds more authoritarian.

6. Enervated [en-er-vey-tid] 
Adjective: without vigor, force, or strength; languid.
Synonyms: debilitated, deteriorated, devitalized, enfeebled, fatigued, incapacitated, languishing, limp, paralyzed, prostrate.
Antonyms: active, energized, invigorated, refreshed.

Example: Between the two, socialism degenerated to populism and post-Emergency hopes became a set of electoral gimmicks.

7. Gimmick [gim-ik] 
Noun: an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal; a concealed, usually devious aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal; a hidden mechanical device by which a magician works a trick or a gambler controls a game of chance.
Verb: to equip or embellish with unnecessary features, especially in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc.
Synonyms: artifice, device, fun, gadget, gizmo, instrument, maneuver, method, ploy, ruse.
Antonyms: frankness, honesty, reality, truth.

Example: They seemed doomed together but often built divorce as a part of a dynamic relationship.

8. Doom [doom] 
Noun: fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune; ruin; death; a judgment, decision, or sentence, especially an unfavorable one.
Synonyms: fated, wrecked, bedeviled, bewitched, convicted, cursed, damned, destroyed, done, fated, foreordained.
Antonyms: blessed, intact, nice, protected.

Example: It was the one aphrodisiac that kept them going.

9. Aphrodisiac [af-ruh-dee-ze-ak, -diz-ee-ak] 
Adjective: arousing desire.
Noun: an aphrodisiac food, drug, potion, or other agent that arouses desire.

Example: While Mr. Prasad’s was a blatant politics of revelry, there was something calculated, almost repressed, with Mr. Kumar.

10. Revelry [rev-uh l-ree] 

Noun: reveling; boisterous festivity.
Synonyms: debauchery, festivity, carousal, carouse, celebration, debauch, entertainment.
Antonyms: sadness, work, mourning, sobriety.
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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For IBPS RRB PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 29, 2017 Dear Readers, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descri...

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