SSC CGL 2017 Special : World Geography Quiz from Previous Papers - set

July 31, 2017    

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  1. Where is the Island of Man located ?
    1.  Between Northern Ireland and England
    2. Between France and England
    3. Between Malaysia and Indonesia 
    4. Between Cuba and Jamaica
  • Where are most of the earth's active volcanoes concentrated ?
    1. Europe
    2. Pacific Ocean
    3. Africa
    4. South America
  • The Savannah finds its ideal conditions of growth in :
    1. mild and humid climate
    2. dry summer and wet winter climate
    3. hot humid climate with long dry season
    4. hot summer and cool winter climate
  • Where is Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, located ?
    1. USA
    2. Brazil
    3. Canada
    4. Russia
  • Which of the following rivers flow in Germany ?
    1. Seine
    2. Volga
    3. Danube
    4. Thames
  • What is the longest mountain range in the world above sea-level ?
    1. Andes mountains
    2. Himalayas
    3. Alps
    4. Pyreness mountains
  • Where is Normandy beach located ?
    1. France
    2. Netherlands
    3. Spain
    4. Belgium
  • 'Dykes' are especially constructed in ?
    1. Norway
    2. Holland
    3. France
    4. United Kingdom
  • Colorado in USA is famous for this landform ?
    1. Grand Canyon
    2. Grand Crators
    3. Great Valleys
    4. Great Basins
  • Where is "Ground Zero" ?
    1. Greenwich
    2. New York
    3. Indira Point
    4. Shriharikota
  • Which two countries are connected by an under water tunnel ?
    1. England and Spain
    2. Malaysia and Singapore
    3. England and Belgium
    4. France and England
  • The deepest trench of the world "The Mariana Trench" is located in the :
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Atlantic Ocean
    3. Arctic Ocean
    4. Pacific Ocean
  • Which country is the world's largest archipelago ?
    1. Philippines
    2. Indonesia
    3. Sweden
    4. Greenland
  • Which one of the following parts of the world does not receive rainfall any time of the year ?
    1. Central Europe
    2. Central North America
    3. Polar Regions
    4. Sub-Saharan areas
  • Which one of the following is the highest gravity dam in the world ?
    1. Beas Dam
    2. Nangal Dam
    3. Bhakra Dam
    4. Hirakud Dam
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SSC CGL 2017 Special : World Geography Quiz from Previous Papers - set 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 31, 2017 sponsored links Where is the Island of Man located ?  Between Northern Ireland and England Between France and England Between Mala...

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