Twisted Ones: New Pattern English Questions For IBPS PO 2017 Exam

June 21, 2017    

Twisted One English For IBPS PO 2017
Directions (1-15): In each question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of words/phrases that are highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then choose the best option.
Q1. (i) The speed limit here is 80 kmph, but I may [A] can [B] drive at 100 kmph.
(ii) Fewer [A]/Less [B] students are opting for MBA these days.
(iii) Joyce Kilmer is considered one of the lesser [A]/fewer [B] poets of his time.
(iv) The fewest [A]/least [B] number of students signed up for Latin class this year.
(e) None of these 

Q2. (i) This is the same song that my friend had sang [A]/sung [B] during the picnic.
(ii) The prefect [A]/perfect [B] of the diplomatic corps was responsible for the faulty communication.
(iii) The committee did not find the plans for the renovation of the museum practical [A]/pragmatic [B].
(iv) The quarterback feinted [A]/fainted [B] to the left before passing the ball to the halfback.
(e) None of these
Q3. (i) The warp [A]/woof [B] of India’s economic structure is still agriculture.
(ii) My friend always does the opposite of [A]/to [B] what I advise him.
(iii) Compact disks with prurient [A]/prudish [B] content are secretly in circulation on the campus.
(iv) He believed that the existence of god cannot be proved; he was not an atheist [A]/agnostic. [B]
(e) None of these
Q4. (i) The teacher asked the young boy to name the hews [A]/hues [B] of the rainbow.
(ii) I haven’t spoken with my mentor for [A]/since [B] several months.
(iii) Besides [A]/beside [B] the fact that we were unprepared, the exam turned out to be difficult.
(iv) I was expecting a big rise [A]/raise [A] in my salary the appraisal.
(e) None of these
Q5. (i) We were asked to read the article with the title [A]/headline [B] “Verbal Ability in Bank Exams”.
(ii) After the long trek he lay [A]/lied [B] down to rest for a while.
(iii) His bike hit a stationary [A]/stationery [B] car and was damaged.
(iv) My mom took my shirt away to sew[A]/sow [B] the loose buttons.
(e) None of these
Q6. (i) I have kept the book besides [A]/beside [B] your bag on the table.
(ii) You can attempt 10 questions from among [A]/between [B] 30 questions.
(iii) It was so hot in the sun that they moved into the shadow [A]/shade [B].
(iv) Although [A]/Despite [B] his having known her for years, he behaved like a stranger.
(e) None of these
Q7. (i) The announcement said that the chief quest would be arriving presently [A]/currently [B].
(ii) After the recession employment rates are on the rise [A]/raise [B] again.
(iii) The professor could not explain the topic fully because of the continuous [A]/continual [B] interruptions.
(iv) I was not able to wear the trousers because they were creased [A]/crinkled. [B]
(e) None of these
Q8. (i) I was not able to answer the interviewer’s question about who discovered [A]/invented [B] the computer.
(ii) He got his car’s breaks [A]/brakes [B] repaired before the long drive.
(iii) As long as [A]/As far as [B] she is concerned, she will not say anything against you.
(iv) Timely advice from his friend saved him as he was about to tangle [A]/dangle [B] himself up in legal problems.
(e) None of these
Q9. (i) We gathered in front of the school to welcome the new principle [A]/principal [B]
(ii) New Delhi is the capitol [A]/capital [B] of India.
(iii) The situation is currently [A]/presently [B] under control.
(iv) On the way I have to stop for a while to telephone [A]/ for telephoning [B] my brother.
(e) None of these
Q10. (i) He did not say [A]/tell [B] us anything about his affair.
(ii) The project would not have been completed in time but for his timely and valueless [A]/invaluable [B] contribution.
(iii) My friend is very sensible [A]/sensitive [B]; he listens to all my problems and tried to comfort me.
(iv) My dad assured [A]/ensured [B] me that everything will turn out to be right in the end.
(e) None of these
Q11. (i) In little over a month the campaign has more than acceded [A]/exceeded [B] expectations with 5000 tickets already sold for the show.
(ii) The students have free excess [A]/access [B] to the entire material in the library.
(iii) The elusion [A]/allusion [B] to corruption in the ministry landed the journalist in trouble with the officials.
(iv) Are the children all ready [A]/already [B] to go to the park?
(e) None of these
Q12. (i) I find that there is all together [A]/altogether [B] too much violence in these films.
(ii) Is there anyway [A]/any way [B] we can get a film star to preside over the function?
(iii) The success of the event was entirely causal [A]/casual [B] as we had planned every minute details of it.
(iv) The police have ceased [A]/seized [B] a large number of arms from the militants.
(e) None of these
Q13. (i) In a few years, she became his trusted confident [A]/confidant [B].
(ii) We were required to make a custom [A]/costume [B] design for the online shop.
(iii) He was declared illegible [A]/eligible [B] for the post in spite of not having enough work experience.
(iv) Several eminent [A]/imminent [B] scientists are expected to be present for the seminar.
(e) None of these
Q14. (i) For long he has been talking about his plans to emigrate [A]/immigrate [B] to Canada.
(ii) The way he plays the guitar is an aural [A]/oral [B] treat.
(iii) The advertisement mentioned several vacancies in the personnel [A]/personal [B] department.
(iv) The police found it very difficult to control the restive [A]/restless [B] crowd.
(e) None of these
Q15. (i) The student approached the teacher to seek council [A]/counsel [B] about her career plans.
(ii) I had to change a few principal [A]/principle [B] parts of the engine to make it work again.
(iii) She was jealous [A]/zealous [B] in her pursuit to get into one of the IIMs.
(iv) His judicious [A]/judicial [B] decisions about his investments have made him wealthy.
(e) None of these


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Twisted Ones: New Pattern English Questions For IBPS PO 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 21, 2017 Directions (1-15): In each question, there are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of words/phrases that are highlighted. From the ita...

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