The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017

June 19, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Exam will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For vocabulary related questions, you need to read a lot and memorize the words so that you can answer all the questions based on vocab. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial. 

1.Aberration (noun)
Meaning: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
Synonyms: anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rogue, rarity, quirk, oddity, curiosity, mistake.
Example: Hidden terror was, till now, believed to be confined mainly to the less developed regions of the world — the 9/11 attack in the U.S. was seen as an aberration, or exception, rather than the rule in this respect. Since 2015, however, with the attack in January of that year on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, followed by a series of major terrorist incidents in Brussels, Paris, Nice, Berlin and Istanbul during the past two years, it is evident that the developed world is no longer immune from terror strikes.

2.Legatee (noun)
Meaning: a person who receives a legacy.
Synonyms: beneficiary, inheritor, heir, heiress, recipient, receiver, payee, assignee. 
Example: Meanwhile, those indulging in acts of terror appear to have moved beyond the earlier non-traditional, non-state actors who were legatees of the Afghan Jihad (1979-1989). The new breed of radicalised terrorists is not overly dependent on external sponsors or state support. Their inspiration is different. 

3.Puritanical (adjective)
Meaning: having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude towards self-indulgence or sex.
Synonyms: moralistic, pietistic, strait-laced, tight-laced, stuffy, starchy, prissy, prudish, puritan, prim, priggish, Victorian, schoolmarmish, schoolmistressy, old-maidish, narrow-minded.
Example: These exist, notwithstanding the fact that the IS, for instance, preaches an exclusive brand of puritanical Islam alongside a vision of a new Caliphate, while some of the other terrorist organisations do not fully subscribe to this ideal.

4.Indeterminate (adjective)
Meaning: not exactly known, established, or defined.
Synonyms: undetermined, undefined, unspecified, unfixed, unsettled, indefinite, unknown, uncounted, uncertain, unpredictable. 
Example: This has introduced a far greater degree of indeterminate complexity into an already difficult scenario. The result is that the ‘lone wolf’ is no longer alone. Internet-enabled terror involves violence conceived and guided by “controllers” thousands of miles away. 

5.Entangle (verb)
Meaning: cause to become twisted together with or caught in.
Synonyms: intertwine, entwine, tangle, intertwist, twist, ravel, snarl, knot, coil, mat, jumble, muddle.
Example: The Chinese set-up transferred entangled photons through a satellite, called Micius, between two ground stations that were 1,200 km apart. According to a report in Science News, the researchers shot a laser beam into a light-altering crystal in the satellite.

6.Fragile (adjective)
Meaning: (of an object) easily broken or damaged.
Synonyms: breakable, easily broken, brittle, frangible, smashable, splintery, flimsy, weak, frail, insubstantial, delicate, dainty, fine. 
Example: The pairs were split, with photons sent to separate receiving stations in Delingha and Lijiang, which are telescopes on mountains, 1,200 km apart. Both stations are in the high mountains of Tibet, reducing the amount of air the fragile photons had to traverse. 

7.Staunch (adjective)
Meaning: very loyal and committed in attitude.
Synonyms: stalwart, loyal, faithful, trusty, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, constant, hard-working, vigorous, stable, firm, steadfast, redoubtable, resolute, unswerving, unwavering, unhesitating, unfaltering.
Example: The architect of a reunified Germany and a staunch champion of European integration, Helmut Kohl, who died at 87, was the longest-serving German Chancellor since World War II. The steely politician, who lost his bid for a fifth consecutive term as head of his conservative Christian Democratic Union in 1998, went into political wilderness within months thereafter, following a controversy over anonymous donations to his party. 

8.Caveat (noun)
Meaning: a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
Synonyms: warning, caution, admonition, monition, red flag, alarm bells.
Example: Through speech we merely communicate our thoughts, feelings, desires attributable to that moment. Such expressions may be transitory. What is fundamental and inalienable is the individual’s right to freely express himself or herself. This, of course, is subject to caveats.

9.Enunciate (verb)
Meaning: To pronounce; articulate., To state or set forth precisely or systematically.
Example: The preceding enunciation is necessary to put in perspective controversies that have bedevilled the national discourse that has consumed public attention. 

10.Beleaguer (verb)
Meaning: lay siege to, put in a very difficult situation.
Synonyms: besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, under attack
Example: I am talking of vigilantes who beleaguer, maim or even take people’s lives to allegedly save a cow; of anti-Romeo squads who allegedly prevent ‘eve-teasing’; of sentinels of morality who take revenge for what is called ‘love jihad’; and of self-appointed nationalists who brand all those who dare to oppose this government’s policy prescriptions in Jammu and Kashmir and towards Pakistan as ‘anti-national’.


The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 19, 2017 Dear Students,  SSC CGL 2017 Exam  will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For  vocabulary related questions,  you need to r...

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