Test of the Day for NICL AO Mains Exam 2017

June 27, 2017    

Dear Readers,

We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like Dena PGDBF, NICL AO, etc. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed.

Q1. India-Malaysia has recently signed seven agreements including air services agreement and MoUs in education and sports. What is the capital of Malaysia?
India-Malaysia has recently signed seven agreements including air services agreement and MoUs in education and sports. Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia.

Q2. Name the state that has become the 27th State to join the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY).
Mizoram has become the 27th State to join the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY).

Q3. Name the person who has been recently appointed as the new Chief Justice of the Madras High Court.
Justice Indira Banerjee, a sitting judge of the Delhi High Court, has been appointed as the new Chief Justice of the Madras High Court.

Q4. The Government has recently launched a comprehensive scheme for power loom sector development at over 45 locations in the country. What is the name of that scheme?
The Government has launched PowerTex India, a comprehensive scheme for power loom sector development, simultaneously at over 45 locations in the country.

Q5. The first Board of Governors meeting of the BRICS New Development Bank was held in ____________ on July 7, 2015 where the Bank formally came into existence as a legal entity.
The inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the NDB was chaired by Russia and held on the eve of the Ufa Summit on 7 July 2015, when the Bank formally came into existence as a legal entity.

Directions (6-10): Study the following Bar-graph and answer the question carefully 
Percentage of people in a city (Total number of People = 40250)  

 Q6. What is the respective ratio of the men to the women working in night shifts from the call center and Chemistry Industries respectively?

Q7. What is the approximate average number of females working in night shifts from all the industries together?

Q8. Total number of men is approximately what percent of total number of women working in night shifts from all industries together?

Q9. The number of women working in night shifts from the gaming industry is approximately what percent of the total number of people working in the night shifts from all the industries together?

Q10. What is the difference between the total number of men and the total number of women working in night shifts from all the industries together?

Directions (11-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow. 
There are eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are living on eight storey building. The ground floor is numbered one and next floor is numbered two and so on upto last last floor is numbered eight. They all like different movie viz. Don, Murder, JaniDushman, Katil, Bahubali, Zehar, Dar and Khooni but not necessarily in the same order. They also like different colour viz. Red, Blue, White, Black, Pink, Violet, Yellow and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
 There are three floor between the person A and who likes green colour, both of them living on even number floor but none of them living on top floor. F lives on 3rd floor and likes Zehar movie. H likes Don movie and lives immediately below A. B likes murder movie. There are gap of two floors between B and H. There is only one floor between B and G, who likes JaniDushman movie. C lives immediately above D, who likes Yellow colour. There are gap of two floors between the person who like yellow and violet colour. The one who likes pink colour also likes Khooni movie but does not live on odd number floor. The one who likes Bahubali movie lives on of the below floor on which the person who likes red colour lives. There are as many as person lives between the one who likes Zehar movie and the person who likes black colour as between the person who likes black colour and white colour. The one who likes blue colour lives below the floor on which the person who likes Bahubali movie lives. There are as many as floor between C and E, who like Katil movie as between A and who like red colour. 

 Q11. Who among following lives on top floor?

Q12. Who among following likes blue colour?

Q13. Who among following likes Dar movie?

Q14. If C is related to red colour and E is related to black colour, then in the same way B is related to?

Q15. E lives on which of the following floor?

Directions (16-20): In each of the following questions, there are four sentences or parts of sentences that from a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. 

 Q16. A. Its one 6hing to win power, another to wield it. 
B. Two disspirited leaders met in Delhi this week. 
C. President Obama was chastened by dramatic electoral losses in the US Congress and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh disheartened by never ending corruption scandals. 
D. Both seemed to have forgot the fundamentals of what created their respective democracies.
Answer Option B. C and D. There are no errors in C and D. The past participle of forget is both forgot and forgotten. Hence D is correct. A is wrong because of its – we require it’s. B has a spelling error ‘dispirited’ is the correct spelling – single ‘s’.

Q17. A. Just like America's founding fathers were obsessed with liberty, 
B. so were Indias founders deeply attached to dharma-so much so that they placed 
C. the dharma-chakra in the middle of Indian flag. 
D. The Congress party still does not realize how much it has diminished by the relentless series of corruption scandals.
Answer Option B. All are incorrect. A is incorrect in Just like – it should be “just as America’s…”. B is incorrect as “India’s needs an apostrophe. C is incorrect as it should read “in the middle of the India Flag”. D is incorrect as it should read: “… how much it is diminished by…”

Q18. A. Her words had the desired effect. 
B. and when he had reached her place, he stopped for longer than he had intended to. 
C. Throughout the drive to her home, 
D. he had kept thinking about how much he would miss her.
. Answer Option A. All are correct.

Q19. A. Couldn't make it to Arnab's show tonight. Nor to Rahul's (Headlines Today). 
B. The topic on both were the same - it's the big story about Raakhi Sawant's 
C. show timing getting changed to a later slot. 
D. But hopefully kids won't be awake to watch this rubbish. So... it's all good.
Answer Option C. A, C and D are correct. In B, the verb should be ‘was’ as the subject is ‘the topic’.

Q20. A. Liquid Comics, an entertainment company found by three Indians 
B. have announced the digital iPad release of "Untouchable", 
C. a graphic novel with a supernatural horror twist 
D. exploring various themes of racial prejudice during the British Raj.
Answer Option B. C and D. A is erroneous in ‘found by’ instead of ‘founded by’. B has the incorrect plural verb ‘have’ for the singular subject company.


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Test of the Day for NICL AO Mains Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 27, 2017 Dear Readers, We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like  Dena PGDBF,  NICL AO, etc.  From ...

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