English Questions For IBPS PO Exam 2017

June 23, 2017    

Twisted One English For IBPS PO 2017
Directions (1-5): In each question below, the word at the top of the question is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
(a) He was assigned the task of entering the names of all eligible voters.  
(b) She decided to enter her child into the best school in the neighborhood.
(c) His parents advised him to acquire an MBA before entering upon a career.
(d) When money is involved other considerations should not enter.
(e) All sentences are correct. 
(a) The steno was asked to withdraw the offending words from the letter she typed.
(b) The college withdrew his academic credit after it was established that he had copied in the test.
(c) The minister withdrew his name from the list of nominees.
(d) After the loss of her husband she had withdrawn farther and farther into herself.
(e) All sentences are correct.
(a) People are afraid that the festival will draw undesirable elements to the town.
(b) The deposits are expected to draw interest close to 10 percent.
(c) The teacher drew the children into the room to see the pictures.
(d) To avoid confusion later, a list was drawn of all those who would attend the function.
(e) All sentences are correct.
(a) There were stacks of books on the bedside table and floor.
(b) The committee is stacked with members from energy-producing states.
(c) She is continually stacked by headaches.
(d) The convict tried to stack the jury.
(e) All sentences are correct.
(a) His death devolved the end of an era in superlative cinematic techniques.
(b) The senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides.
(c) The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead.
(d) After several hours the discussion had devolved into a shouting match.
(e) All sentences are correct.
Directions (6-15): In each of the following questions, a part of the paragraph or sentence has been Bold. From the choices given to you, you are required to choose the one, which would best replace the Bold part in terms of grammatical usage. 
Q6. The nature of our party system has changed in the past few decades, and the lesson of the past decade had been that the party that did not hold the White House had every incentive to refuse to co-operate with the president's party.
(a) was that the party that does not hold the White House had every incentive
(b) is that the party that does not hold the White House has every incentive
(c) has been that the party that had not held the White House had every incentive
(d) had been that the party that did not hold the White House had every incentive
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q7. Looking at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall by that much, it becomes clear that Germany's unique recession and recovery was about more than just its choice in labour market policies.
(a) Looking at the path of German GDP and that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(b) Looking at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(c) When one looks at the path of German GDP and the fact that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(d) When one is looking at the path of German GDP and that total private sector hours didn't fall much,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q8. The Beijing Language and Culture University Press, the largest publisher of Chinese-language textbooks, says South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(a) say South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(b) says South Korea and Japan are it's biggest customers.
(c) says South Korea and Japan are their biggest customers.
(d) says South Korea and Japan are its biggest customers.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q9. There are two pieces to Mr Keats' argument; that English is open-source as other languages are not; and that is why it has spread.
(a) Mr Keats' argument, that English is open-source as other languages are not and that
(b) Mr Keats' argument: that English is open-source as other languages are not, and that that 
(c) Mr Keats' argument - that English is open-source as other languages are not-and that
(d) Mr Keats' argument; that English is open-source as other languages are not; and that that
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q10. The number of foreigners going to India for fertility treatments, specially surrogacy, has dramatically increased in recent years.
(a) especially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in past years.
(b) especially surrogacy, has dramatically increased in recent years.
(c) specially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in recent years.
(d) specially surrogacy, have shown dramatic improvement in recent years.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part. 
Q11. The LHC is a magnificent engineering project, who's many "gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.
(a) whose many "gee-whiz" feature have been widely reported.
(b) who's "gee-whiz" features has been reported widely.
(c) whose many "gee-whiz" features has been widely reported.
(d) who's many "gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q12. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, outspoken as usual, compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize with Obama.
(a) compared the choice of Liu for Nobel Prize with that of Obama.
(b) compared the choice of Liu with Obama for the Nobel Prize.
(c) compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize to that of Obama.
(d) compared the choice of Liu and Obama to the Nobel Prize.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q13. The OECD expects average GDP growth among their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011, before bouncing back to 2.8% in 2012.
(a) their most rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011,
(b) their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011,
(c) its most rich members to slow between 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,
(d) its mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q14. A sphere cannot be represented on a flat plane without distortion, which will mean that all map projections will distort in one way or another.
(a) which means all map projections distort in one way or another.
(b) that means all map projections will distort one way or another.
(c) which will mean that all map projections distorts one way or other.
(d) which means all map projections will distort in one way or others.
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
Q15. The blame for rising obesity rates have been pinned on many things, including having more calorific diet, the spread of processed food, a lack of exercise and modern man's generally more stressful lot.
(a) has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet.
(b) have been pinned to many things, including more calorific diets,
(c) have been pinned on many things, including a calorie rich diet,
(d) has been pinned on many things: having a more calorific diet,
(e) None of the above replace the bold part.
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English Questions For IBPS PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 23, 2017 Directions (1-5): In each question below, the word at the top of the question is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which t...

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