Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-10)

June 29, 2017    

Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-10):
Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good marks in English and so they can't increase the overall marks. To score high you need to practice more and more standard questions daily. “Practice does not make perfect, Only Perfect Practice makes perfect”.

Here in English Scoring Part we are providing 10 Questions in Reading Comprehension, 5 Questions in Cloze Test, 5 Questions in Error Spotting, total 20 questions in 15 Minutes. By practicing these questions regularly you can increase your calculation speed and it will help you to increase your score.

Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India and the signing of 36 agreements of cooperation ranging from the economic, defence and power sectors to the peaceful use of nuclear energy shows that significant progress has been made in Indo-Bangla relations in the last eight years. However, the stalled Teesta treaty continues to eclipse bilateral relations as water affects the lives of ordinary people across vast spaces of land. It seems that in spite of the goodwill prevailing in Delhi, West Bengal has become a thorn in Indo-Bangla relations. Bangladesh shares 54 of its 57 transboundary rivers with India. After the Ganges, Brahmaputra and the Meghna (GBM) river system, Teesta is the fourth largest river shared between the two countries. In 1983, an ad hoc water-sharing agreement allocated 39% of the water flow to India and 36% to Bangladesh and remaining 25% was left unallocated for a later decision. The Teesta river’s floodplain covers an area of 2,750 sq km in Bangladesh, supporting roughly 10 million people. An estimated one lakh hectares of land across five districts of Bangladesh are severely impacted and face acute shortages during dry seasons. Apart from livelihood directly obtained from the river, agriculture is also affected as 14% crop production is dependent on the flow of the river. At stake are the lives of millions of people of Bangladesh who depend on the river for their survival. Therefore, it is imperative that the treaty provide equal allocation of the Teesta, a fair demand from the side of the lower riparian Bangladesh. In 2011, during the visit of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Dhaka, plans had been confirmed of an interim arrangement of 15 years, with India getting 42.5% and Bangladesh 37.5% of the river during dry seasons. The arrangement also included the setting of a joint hydrological observation station to gather accurate data for the future. The plans fell through when West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee opted out of the delegation led by Dr. Singh to Dhaka, expressing strong reservations against giving Bangladesh a greater share of water. Hopes were renewed during Ms. Banerjee’s visit to Dhaka in February 2015 when upon arrival she said, “Have trust on me on the Teesta issue... I will have talks on the matter with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.” Despite her reassurances, she continues to flip-flop on her stance on the share Bangladesh should get. Again during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in June 2015, Ms. Banerjee accompanied the delegation and positive expectations were rife on both sides. The Modi government accepted the new arrangement between India and Bangladesh, but Ms. Banerjee did not. Hence, the deal was not inked despite Mr. Modi saying “rivers should nurture the India-Bangladesh relationship and not become a source of discord”.

1.According to passage what shows improvement in Indo-Bangla relations?
1. Visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Haseena to India.
2. Signing of 36 cooperation agreement.
3. Settlement of teesta treaty
1).EXPALNATION- According to passage main reason is 36 agreement.
Answer: B
2. According to the author, What is the main problem in Indo-Bangla relations?
1. West Bengal
2. Teesta treaty
3. International boundary issue.
2). EXPALNATION- Author mentioned that West Bengal is creating problem for teesta treaty
Answer: A
3). Why Mamta Banerjeec opted out of the delegation by Dr. Manmohan Singh to Dhaka?
1. She was against to give water to Bangladesh
2. She was not happy with the 37.5% share of river during dry seasons to Bangladesh.
3. She thought that more water should be given to Bangladesh.
3). EXPALNATION- she didn’t want to give large share to Bangladesh.
Answer: B
4).Why the teesta treaty is not fixed yet?
1. Due to uncertainty in percentage allocation of river.
2. GrDue to Mamta Banerjee change of mind regarding share.
3. Bangladesh is not ready with less share.
4).EXPALNATION- She continuously changed her mind regarding teesta treaty
Answer: B
5). What should be the title of the passage?
5). EXPALNATION- passage is all about teesta treaty and its conflict.
Answer: C
Directions (Question- 06): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
6. Stalled
6). EXPALNATION- stalled means something which is stopped.
Answer: D
Directions (Questions- 7 to 10): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
7. Stance
7). EXPALNATION- Stance means point of view
Answer: E
8. Ad hoc
8).EXPALNATION- ad hoc means emeregency and quick
Answer: E
9. Interim
9).EXPALNATION- Minterim means instantly
Answer: E

10. Rife
10). EXPALNATION- Rife means something which everybody know and assume or general perception.
Answer: D

Directions (11-15): In the passage given below there are 5 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has four alternative words given in options (A),(B),(C) and (D). You have to tell which word will best suit the respective blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the work given in bold after the blank is your answer i.e “No change required”. People who reveal secrets are either heroes or betrayers, depending on what the secrets (1) [ is] and on the inclinations of the audience for them. In the case of Edward Snowden, who took and the released a great deal of internal data from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013, his (2) [ disciple] have campaigned for a last-minute pardon by President Obama, but Donald Trump as mused that execution might be more appropriate. Journalism based on Mr. Snowden’s revelations won the Pulitzer Prize for public service in 2014, and the Oscar for best documentary in 2015; on the other hand, many American government officials think Mr. Snowden, who (3) [live] in Russia, should be brought home and prosecuted for revealing classified information. In 2014, Edward Jay Epstein, the veteran writer on espionage, (4) [reported] a provocative article in The Wall Street Journal proposing another way of looking at Mr. Snowden: As a spy. Mr. Epstein wrote that an unnamed (5) [preceding] member of President Obama’s cabinet” had told him “that there are only three possible explanations for the Snowden: 1) It was a Russian espionage operation; 2) It was a Chinese espionage operation; 3) It was a joint Sino-Russian operation.”
11. ?
11). ‘The sentence is in present tense and demands plural form of the helping verb.
Answer: A
12. ?
12). Admirers means those who get admire or inspired by the admire, so this is suitable here.
Answer: B
13. ?
13). According to the meaning of the sentence, it is present simple tense.
Answer: C
14. ?
14). The perfect vocabulary used with the articles is published, hence this option is right.
Answer: B
15. ?
15).the other options changes the meaning of what they actually mean to say
Answer: D
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e):-
16. An unrelated development give (a)/ a sense of the(b)/ multidimensional nature of(c)/the bad loan problem.(d)/ No Error(e).
16). The given sentence is a general sentence which requires to be in present simple tense. So 'gives' will come
Answer: A
17. If there is a common factor driving voters(a)/worldwide, it is less a(b)/particular ideology (c)/a deep but amorphous desire of change. (d)/ No Error(e).
17).EXPLANATION.:- The preposition ‘of' is incorrect, 'for' will come.
Answer: D
18. Start-ups with at least one(a)/female founder, women(b)/make up atleast half(c)/of the workforce.(d)/ No Error(e).
18).EXPLANATION.:-As per the meaning of the sentence, the word used here 'atleast' do not go, 'almost' will come.
Answer: C
19.The disappointing recovery has(a)/been accompanies by anaemic(b)/wage growth and(c)/rising income inequality.(d)/ No Error(e).
19). EXPLANATION.:- The sentence is in past perfect tense, so verb will be V1+ed, so accompanied.
Answer: B
20. Some people try to stand out(a)/by developing extreme(b)/problems who set(c)/ them apart from others.(d)/ No Error(e).
20). EXPLANATION.:- The connector 'who' is used for people, here ‘that' will be used.
Answer: C


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Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-10) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 29, 2017 Crack IBPS Exam 2017 - English Scoring Part (Day-10) : Dear Readers, Nowadays most of the aspirants are facing huge trouble to score good ...

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