The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL/CPO Exam 2017

May 22, 2017    

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SSC CGL /MTS /CPO Exam

Dear Students, Staff Selection Commission has issued the official notice for CGL 2017. For English Section, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.

1.Prima facie (adjective & adverb)
Meaning: based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
Example: The ICJ has merely arrived at a prima facie satisfaction — based on an analysis at first sight — that it possesses the power to rule on India’s application, and that India’s rights, under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, have plausibly been violated by Pakistan’s detention, trial and ultimate sentencing to death of Jadhav.

2.Ramification (noun)
Meaning: a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.
Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot, issue, sequel;
Example: What’s more, the internationalisation of the dispute potentially comes with its 
political ramifications for India. But much as all these considerations can serve as a basis for cynicism, we mustn’t despair at India’s choice. Its victory, impermanent as it may ultimately prove to be, must be celebrated for what it is: a vindication of the rule of law. 

3.Empirical (adjective)
Meaning: based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
Synonyms: observed, seen, factual, actual, real, verifiable, first-hand.
Example: Despite consistent empirical evidence which shows that international law positively influences state behaviour, these questions, seeped in scepticism, somehow never seem to go away. 

4.Espionage (noun)
Meaning: the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.
Synonyms: spying, undercover work, cloak-and-dagger activities, surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence, eavesdropping, infiltration, counter-espionage, counter-intelligence; 
Example: Pakistan claims that these actions do not breach the Vienna Convention, as Jadhav was involved in espionage and sabotage.

5.Reparation (noun)
Meaning: the action of making amends for a wrong one has done, by providing payment or other 
assistance to those who have been wronged.
Synonyms: amends, restitution, redress, compensation, recompense, repayment, 
Example: India submits that the treaty creates no such exception and that the denial of consular 
access is an infringement for which Pakistan must make reparations. 

6.Assimilation (noun)
Meaning: the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
Example: India, with 17% of the world’s population, 4% of water resources and 2.4% of land area, extracts water significantly for various developmental purposes. Hence, the water flow or storage capacity of water bodies has declined substantially, adversely affecting their waste assimilation/sink functions.

7.Disseminate (verb)
Meaning: spread (something, especially information) widely.
Synonyms: spread, circulate, distribute, disperse, diffuse, proclaim, promulgate, propagate, publicize, communicate, pass on, make known, put about
Example: At the local level, capacity building enables the community to make decisions and disseminate them to the appropriate authorities, thus influencing political processes. 

8.Renaissance (noun)
Meaning: the revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.a revival of or renewed interest in something.
Example: The fine balance struck by India and the U.S. culminated in the Agenda 21, raising hopes 
for a renaissance in the areas of both environment and development.

9.Mitigation (noun)
Meaning: the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Synonyms: alleviation, reduction, diminution, lessening, easing, weakening, lightening.
Example: The Accord deals with the global commitments of countries regarding emissions, mitigation, adaptation and financing from 2020. The allegation that China, Russia and India are only contributing to pollution and not to climate change fund has no basis whatsoever.

10.Commensurate (adjective)
Meaning: corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.
Synonyms: equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate.
Example: The advantage that the U.S. and other developed countries have gained from the Paris Accord is that all economies, including China and India, are being made to take action on climate change without any commensurate guarantees from the former on funding and transfer of technology.

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