The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI PO and Dena Bank PO Exam 2017

April 27, 2017    

Dear Students, we are providing to you Vocabulary Words from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In case if you are not able to read The Hindu, we will post important words every day from editorial section. These vocab words will help you a lot in your competitive exams.
1.Caveat (noun)
Meaning: a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.
synonyms: warning, caution, admonition, monition, red flag, alarm bells.
Example: However, the caveats to the message — or “downside risks” as the IMF puts it — are so many that any celebration would be premature.

2.Poised (adjective)
Meaning: having a composed and self-assured manner.
synonyms: self-possessed, self-assured, composed, assured, self-controlled, cool-headed, calm, cool, cool, calm, and collected, at ease, tranquil, serene, unperturbed, unruffled, impassive, nonchalant, confident, self-confident, dignified, equable, imperturbable, suave, urbane, elegant.
Example: The IMF sees world economic growth accelerating from 3.1% in 2016 to 3.5% in 2017, and 3.6% in 2018. Both advanced and emerging economies are poised to do better.
3.Prolonged (adjective)
Meaning: continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
synonyms: lengthen, make longer, extend, extend the duration of, draw out, drag out, protract, spin out, stretch out, string out, elongate.
Example: But the IMF’s projections do hold out the hope that the world economy may emerge from the prolonged slump it has seen consequent to the financial crisis of 2007.
4.Stagnation (noun)
Meaning: the state of not flowing or moving.
Example: This is a bit of a surprise considering that, until very recently, many economists had come to believe that the world economy was in the grip of ‘secular stagnation’, an expression coined by the economist Alvin Hansen in the 1930s.
5.Doomed (adjective)
Meaning: likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; ill-fated.
synonyms: destine, fate, predestine, ordain, preordain, foredoom, mean, foreordain, consign;
Example: In conditions of ‘secular stagnation’, conventional monetary policy is doomed to be ineffective.
6.Deflationary (adjective)
Meaning: characterized by or tending to cause economic deflation.
Example: In the Euro area, it sees inflation rising from 0.2% to 1.7%. The spectre of a deflationary spiral has thus been dispelled.
7.Incipient (adjective)
Meaning: beginning to happen or develop.
synonyms: developing, impending, growing, emerging, emergent, dawning
Example: Does the incipient revival of the world economy disprove the ‘secular stagnation’ hypothesis? It’s too early to tell.
8.Jeopardize (verb)
Meaning: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy, put on the line
Example: Such deregulation would lead to imitation elsewhere, jeopardising the hard-won gains in ensuring financial sector stability. 
9.Confrontation (noun)
Meaning: a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.
synonyms: conflict, clash, brush, fight, battle, contest, encounter, head-to-head, face-off, engagement, tangle, skirmish, collision, meeting, duel, incident.
Example: There is a real prospect of confrontation between the U.S. and Russia over the conflict in Syria. Tensions over North Korea have reached a flashpoint. 
Meaning: at loggerheads quarrelling, opposed, feuding, at odds, estranged, in dispute, at each other's throats, at daggers drawn, at enmity
Example: The U.S. and China are at loggerheads over maritime rights in the South China Sea.

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The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary For SBI PO and Dena Bank PO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 27, 2017 Dear Students, we are providing to you  Vocabulary Words  from The HINDU Newspaper Editorial. We suggest you read a newspaper daily. In ...

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