Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension)

February 27, 2017    

Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) Set-76:
Dear Readers, we have given here the English Practice Questions for upcoming  Exams 2017. Candidates can use this material for their preparations.
Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
There is no shortage of coal mines in India but power industry always suffers from coal shortage. Gap between demand and supply of coal is huge. This gap was 35 million tonnes in 2007 and near about 83 million tonnes in 2012. It is expected that by 2020 the coal shortage would be around 200 million tonnes. Shortage in the supply of coal is impacting the power generation. In 2009 government declared ‘no go’ policy. It put a complete ban on coal mining in forested area. Hence 35% of forest areas in nine prominent coal mines came under ‘no go’ zones. Then the task of mining was given jointly to many companies even the rivals companies. This led to chaos and had never worked. Domestic shortage of coal has never been met by imported coal. This is because of the ownership conflict regarding coal during transit between Coal India and the Indian Railways. Near about 42,000 MW power plants have been built and ready to operate but these lack fuel. Lack of infrastructure and shortage of equipment such as turbines, boilers and generators is another major hurdle and reason of power crisis in India Private investors are discouraged because state electricity boards are unable to buy power at commercial rates. India’s largest thermal power generator, National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) showed a net profit of just 1% in 2010-11. Distribution companies are losing every year. Their accumulated loss in 2010 was Rs 82,000 crore. Hence lack of profit is a major discouragement. For the 12th five year plan (2012-17) the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), major advisory body to the Union power minister, has set a target to generate 100,000 MW of additional power to meet the power demand. It has been accepted by the Planning Commission but not by Environment Ministry as the plan was ecologically unsound. Additional generation of electricity would impact the environment and bring undesirable change in the climate. Hence it never worked out. We also found that no investment in power infrastructure has been done in India for the last 10-15 years. Every political party works on tariff not  investment. Because of this most of the electricity companies are going through debt and unable to buy power and meet the demand. Sensing the present and future demand of electricity chances to lessen the load is extremely bleak. For every one percent increase in GDP, additional one percent power is required. If this need is not met then not only power sector but all the other industries will be impacted. Hence government must come up with effective plans to handle the condition of power crisis in India and its capital. India must shift her focus to alternate source of energy like wind and solar to generate power. Government must work on the plans to invest in power sector.
1).Which of the following best defines 'no go' zones as given in the passage?
a)    The Planning Commission has called for a careful delimitation of areas where coal mining is going to be totally prohibited.
b)    The forest and Environment ministry had decided to categorise forest and other coal land.
c)    Those areas that have over 70 per cent gross forest cover or over 30 percent weighted forest cover.
d)    Both 2 and 3
e)    None of these
2).Why the generation of additional power could not take place to meet the power demand ?
a)    As per the statement of Minister of state for Power, India has surplus power but its distribution is the major problem.
b)    At this stage, it may become apparent that the environmental management and pollution control measures should be devalued.
c)    Concern for environment is now a primary issue in all aspects of human activities.
d)    The India power sector faced two fundamental and interdependent issues.
e)    All of the above
3).Which of the following statement is true as given in the passage?
a)    The production and supply of electricity had not been keeping pace with the growing demand of electricity in the country.
b)    With monsoon rains weak and coal supplies unreliable, could be staring at long spells without power.
c)    Coal is responsible for meeting almost half the energy needs of the entire world.
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these
4).Which of the main hurdles in the operation of newly built power plants ?
a)    Emergence of the renewable energy sources such as solar power.
b)    Lack of electricity infrastructure.
c)    Increasing lack of accountability.
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these
5).What does the author mean when he says that 'Every political party works on tariff not investment'?
a)    Government works in the area of imposing tax on imported goods and services while don't provide any facility.
b)    Political party internationally does not attract business investments through lower tax rates.
c)    Taking a risk in the hope that the money will grow more quickly.
d)    Suggest a way in which we can preserve consistency in both valuation and capital budgeting.
e)    All of the above
Direction (6-8) :Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage-
a)    Encouraging
b)    Depressing
c)    Sunny
d)    Friendly
e)    Appealing
a)    Obvious
b)    Bulging
c)    Extrusive
d)    Flashy
e)    Inconspicuous
a)    Confrontation
b)    Dilemma
c)    Contingency
d)    Breakthrough
e)    Culmination
Direction (9-10) :Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage-
a)    Overlooking
b)    Anticipating
c)    Appreciating
d)    Marking
e)    Disregarding
a)    System
b)    Harmony
c)    Normality
d)    Turmoil
e)    Disorder
Answer Key:
1).a   2).c   3).a   4).e    5).a    6).d    7).c    8).e    9).a    10).b

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Practice English Questions for Upcoming Exams 2017 (Reading Comprehension) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 27, 2017 Practice English Questions for  Upcoming Exams 2017  ( Reading Comprehension ) Set-76: Dear Readers, we have given here the English Pract...

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