IPPB & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Mixed Quiz)

January 27, 2017    

IPPB  & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Mixed-Quiz) Set- 91:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IPPB & IBPS SO Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.
Directions (1-2): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Five students A, B, C, D and E have five different books on subject- Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and English written
by authors P, Q, R, S and T. Each student has only one book on one of the five subjects. P is the author of the physics book which
is not owned by A and E. D owns the book written by T. C owns the Maths book. E has the English book which is not written by Q.
Biology book is written by S.
1) The chemistry book is authored by whom?
a)    P
b)    T
c)    Q
d)    R
e)    S
2) Which of the following combination of subject-student and author is correct?
a)    Biology - A - T
b)    Chemistry - D - Q
c)    Physics - B - S
d)    Math - C - Q
e)    English - C - R
3) In the following number series how many such 7 are there which are immediately preceded by a pair of numbers whose product is less than the product of pair of numbers immediately following 7?
2 2 7 1 3 9 4 8 7 6 5 4 2 8 3 5 7 4 6 5 9 7 8 6 4 3 9 7 4 6 5 2
a)    One
b)    Two
c)    Three
d)    More than three
e)    None of these
Directions (4-5): Following questions are based on the English alphabet.
4) If the first five letters of English alphabet are reversed, next five letters are left unchanged again eight letters are reversed and remaining eight letters are left unchanged then which letter will be 14th letter to the right of 10th letter to the left of 4th letter to the right of 10th letter from the right.
a)    W
b)    X
c)    Y
d)    Z
e)    None of the these
5) If the first half of the English alphabet is reversed and then next part is also reversed so as 'A' takes the position of 'M' and N takes the position of 'Z' then which letter will be in the middlebetween 14th letter from the left of 9th letter from the right and 11th letter from the right of 15th letter from the right.
a)    A
b)    Z
c)    A and Z
d)    B
e)    None of these
6) Sameer walks 20 m. North. Then he turns right and walks 20 m. Then he turns right and walks 35 m. Then he turns left and walks 15 m. Then he turns left and walks 55 m. finally he turns left and walks 5 m. How many metres away is he from his original position?
a)    40.5 m.
b)    45 m. approx
c)    50 m.
d)    can't be determined
e)    None of these
7) In a code language 'He is writing' means 'sa re ga', 'you are going' means 'ma pa ra', 'you and me' means 'te po ma', 'me and he' means 'te po re' then what is the code of going writing?
a)    sa and ra
b)    either sa and ra or ga and pa
c)    ra and ga
d)    can not be determined exactly
e)    None of these
8) If '–' stands for 'x', 'x' stand for '÷', '÷' stands for '+' and '+' stands for '–' then which of the following equations is correct?
a)    430 + 135 – 4× 5 = 263
b)    340 × 17 – 36 + 10 ÷ 15 = 240.6
c)    970 – 480 ÷ 16 × 18 + 24 = 384
d)    66 × 3 – 11 + 12 = 1150 × 5
e)    None of these
9)Pointing to a photograph a man said to woman 'he is the maternal uncle of my only daughter's son's maternal uncle. If the woman is daughter-in-law of the man then what will be the relation between man's grandson and woman?'
a)    Son-Mother
b)    Nephew-aunt
c)    Grandson- Grandmother
d)    Nephew- Maternal aunt
e)    Can not be determined
10) Arrange the following in the meaningful /logical order:
I. Exhaust     II. Night            III. Day         IV. Sleep   V. work
a)    13524
b)    35142
c)    35124
d)    35214
e)    None
1) b   2) d   3) c    4) d   5)c     6) c    7) d   8) d   9) e   10) c
1) Answer: b)
2) Answer: d
3) Answer: c
4) Answer: c)
 Left [E D C B A F G H I J R Q P O N M L K S T U V W
X Y Z] right
10 – 4 = 6th right
6 + 10 = 16th right
16 – 14 = 2nd right
5) Answer: c)
 [ M L K J I H G F E D C B A Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O
14 + 9 = 23rd from right = J
15 – 11 = 4th from right = Q
Hence, A and Z, both between J and Q
6) Answer: c)
OP = 55 – (35– 20) = 40 m.
PQ = 20 + (15– 5) = 30 m
OQ = √(402+302)=50m
7) Answer: d)
He is writing = sa re ga
you are going = ma pa ra
you and me = te po ma
me and he = te po re
hence the code of is writing = sa ga
So the code of writing will be sa or ga.
Similarly the code of going will be pa or ra.
after interchanging the sign
8) Answer: d)
66 ÷ 3 × 11– 12 = 1150 ÷ 5
22 × 11 – 12 =230
=242 – 12
9) Answer: e)
The relationship will be either son-mother or nephewaunt
so it cannot be determined exactly.
10) Answer: c)
Meaningful order of the words:
   III.Day→V.work→I.Exhaust  II.→Night→IV.Sleep
More Practice Reasoning Questions for IBPS SO/IPPB - Click Here

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IPPB & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions (Mixed Quiz) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 27, 2017 IPPB  & IBPS SO 2017- Practice Reasoning Questions  (Mixed-Quiz)   Set- 91: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with...

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