English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 6th December 2016

December 6, 2016    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 6th December 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The politics of exaggeration"
  • Exaggeration - a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
  • Theatrics - behaviour that is intended to get attention
    English News Paper Vocabulary
  • Smacked - to hit something hard
  • Paranoia - an extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you
  • Deployment - to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed
  • Frenzy - an uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent
  • Preparedness - the state of being prepared for a particular situation
  • Insinuated - to say something unpleasant in an indirect way
  • Vigil - a quiet political protest held at night
  • Cleared the air - to discuss a problem or difficult situation with someone in order to make it better
  • Duly - in the correct way or at the correct time
  • Galvanise - to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way
  • Uproar - a situation in which a lot of people complain about something angrily or make a lot of noise
  • Well-versed - knowing a lot about something
  • Conspiracy theory - a belief that an unpleasant event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people
  • Amplify - to make sounds louder
  • Demonetisation - to officially stop using particular notes or coins, or a particular currency
  • Rallying - the action or process of coming together to support a person or cause
  • Overburdened - having too much to carry, contain, or deal with
  • Instances - examples
  • Vendetta - a situation in which someone has angry and negative feelings towards someone else and keeps trying to harm them or to cause problems for them
  • Distinguish - to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
  • Combat - fight
  • Established - used for describing someone who is known for doing a job well, because they have been doing it for a long time
  • Colleague - someone who works in the same organization or department as you
  • For instance - for example
  • Wound - a problem or great unhappiness
  • Sustained - continuing for a long time
  • Crackdown - strong action that someone in authority takes to stop a particular activity
  • Allegiance - loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief
  • Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
  • Pre-eminence - more important or better than others
  • Seized the opportunity - to act quickly in order to use an opportunity that may not be available later
  • Tactic - a planned way of doing something
  • Exaggeration - the fact of making something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is
  • Personalising - to make something suitable for the needs of a particular person
  • Foes - enemies
  • Tenor - the general meaning, character, or pattern of something

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "The heart of the problem"
  • Facilitate - to make it possible or easier for something to happen
  • Obvious - easy to see, recognize, or understand
  • Ancient - very old
  • Focal point - the thing that everyone looks at or is interested in
  • Far-reaching - something far-reaching has a great influence on many people or things
  • Battleground - a place where a battle is being fought
  • Timely - happening at the best possible moment
  • In tandem - at the same time
  • Cross-border - between different countries, or involving people from different countries
  • Emanating - to come from a particular place3
  • Allies - countries that have agreed officially to give help and support to another country
  • Unsustainable - not capable of continuing at the same rate or level
  • Contingent - depending on something else in the future in order to happen
  • Dared - to ask someone to do something that involves risk
  • Lack of something - the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it
  • Deplete - to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc
  • Affirmation - to publicly show your support for an opinion or idea
  • Obstacle - something that prevents action / progress
  • Multilateral - involving more than two groups or countries
  • Envisaged - to have something as a plan or an intention
  • Forging - to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty
  • Vibrant - energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm
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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 6th December 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 6, 2016 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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