English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 48

October 30, 2016    

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  1. An osteopath studies
    1. The effect of environment on man
    2. Water ponds
    3. The growth of mosquitoes
    4. The effects of manipulating the skeleton and nerves
    5. The size of the skull and its effect on intelligence
  2. To be a dark horse is to be
    1. Very suspicious
    2. Very cunnyng
    3. A person who can run long distances 
    4. A person who can deceive others
    5. A person who can spring a surprise 
  3. A chiropractor specializes in 
    1. Grinding glasses
    2. Studying urban life
    3. Studying the spinal cord
    4. Speech through the nose 
    5. Witchcraft 
  4. To hunt with the hounds and run with the hare means that a person
    1. Is very foolish
    2. Deceives others
    3. Is very cunning
    4. Is fooling everyone
    5. Embraces opposing causes at one and the same time
  5. Match the lists :
    1. A bank owned and managed by a government
    2. The result of deficit spending of a country 
    3. A holiday observed throughout the nation
    4. The total of earnings from goods and services in a country
    5. A childbirth in which almost no drugs are used 
      • a. National income
      • b. Natural childbirth
      • c. National debt
      • d. National holiday
      • e. National bank
  6. Another word for disturbance is
    1. Painful
    2. Nuisance
    3. Confusion
    4. Mixture 
    5. Spearate
  7. What is the meaning of corrigenda ?
    1. Things to be added
    2. Forever
    3. Things to be corrected
    4. Partly
    5. And so on
  8. Which of the following has been misspelt ?
    1. Context
    2. Dialect
    3. Denuded
    4. Esctasy 
    5. Conversely
  9. An off-beat person is 
    1. Dead
    2. Traditional
    3. Unconventional
    4. Courageous
    5. Timid
  10. Choose the correct alternative :
    1. Chief
      1. Main
      2. First
    2. Condition
      1. State
      2. Position
    3. Punctual
      1. Predictable
      2. Prompt
    4. Efforts
      1. Attends
      2. Attempts
    5. Damp
      1. Dry
      2. Rather wet
Shared by Amrita Rajnish

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English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 48 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 30, 2016 sponsored links An osteopath studies The effect of environment on man Water ponds The growth of mosquitoes The effects of manipul...

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