Spot Grammatical Errors - Part 20

September 20, 2016    

Direction :-

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence,i.e. in (A),(B),(C) or (D). Do not look for errors in spelling and punctuation. When you find an error in a sentence, mark the incorrect part. IF there is no error, mark (E).
1. For a poor man (A)/ even five rupees (B)/ are (C)/ a big sum. (D)/ No error. (E)
2. Science comprises (A)/ of many (B)/ branches of (C)/ learning.(D)/ No error. (E)
3. I shall avail (A)/ of this opportunity (B)/ to meet (C)/ you there. (D)/ No error. (E)
4. I asked him (A)/ whether (B)/ he has got (C)/ admission in the college. (D)/ No error. (E)
5. Walk slowly (A)/ lest (B)/ you may fall (C)/ in the ditch. (D)/ No error. (E)
6. Until he (A)/ does not confess his fault (B)/ he will not be (C)/ included in the team. (D)/ No error. (E)
7. By this time (A)/ next year (B)/ I had completed (C)/ my university degree. (D)/ No error . (E)
8. He is serving (A)/ under me (B)/ for the last (C)/ several years. (D)/ No error. (E)
9. No man (A)/ on the earth (B)/ is (C)/ immortal. (D)/ No error. (E)
10. Hardly (A)/ we had reached (B)/ the platform (C)/ when the train started. (D)/ No error. (E)
11. Everyone (A)/ of you (B)/ are required to do the (C)/ writing work in the classroom. (D)/ No error. (E)
12. John totally (A)/ disapproved with (B)/ his friend's behaviour (C)/ in the party. (D)/ No error. (E)
13. He walked (A)/ so fast (B)/ as he (C)/ fainted. (D)/ No error. (E)
14. Having complete his work (A)/ he (B)/ went home (C)/ to take rest. (D)/ No error. (E)
15. These kind of shoes (A)/ seem to be expensive (B)/ but they are relatively (C)/ easy to care for. (D)/ No error. (E)
16. Although these houses (A)/ are in need of repair (B)/ there have been much improvement (C)/ in their appearance. (D)/ No error. (E)
17. No sooner (A)/ did he ran (B)/ than he was chased (C)/ by everyone. (D)/ No error. (E)
18. Any help (A)/ that you can (B)/ give me (C)/ will be appreciate. (D)/ No error. (E)
19. If he will not work hard (A)/ he will not (B)/ be able to (C)/ score good marks. (D)/ No error. (E)
20. When I reached home (A)/ my father (B)/ already came (C)/ from office. (D)/ No error. (E)


1. (C) The subject sum should take a singular auxiliary verb. Hence, are should be replaced by is.
2. (B) The verb comprise is not followed by any preposition. The preposition of should be deleted.
3. (A) Write I shall avail myself instead of I shall avail in section (A).
4. (C) The principal clause is in the past tense. Therefore, the subordinate clause he has got should be placed in the past tense. The correct usage is he had got.
5. (C) Lest is always followed by should. You should fall is the correct usage.
6. (B) Until conveys the negative sense and hence, the second negative does not should be deleted. The correct usage is confesses his fault.
7. (C) The sentences denotes the completion of a future action and hence, future perfect tense i shall have completed should be used in place of I had completed.
8. (A) The sentence denotes a present perfect continuous action. Therefore, He has been serving is the correct answer.
9. (B) Man on earth is a phrase. Therefore, article the should be deleted.
10. (B) Hardly is followed by the auxiliary had and third form (past participle) of the verb. The correct usage is had we reached.
11. (C) Everyone always takes the singular helping verb. Hence, the correct usage is is required to do the .
12. (B) Wrong preposition with has been used. Disapprove is followed by of. Hence, the correct usage is disapproved of.
13. (C) Use that instead of as. So in the principal clause is followed by that in the subordinate clause. Hence, the correct usage is that he.
14. (A) The present perfect participle having is followed by third form of the verb. The correct usage is having completed his work.
15. (A) Here, kind refers to type and therefore, it should be used in plural. These kinds of shoes is the correct usage.
16. (C) Improvement being singular should take the singular helping verb has. The correct usage is there has been much improvement.     
17. (B) Did is followed by first (present) form of the verb; did he run is the correct usage.
18. (D) Be is followed by third form of the verb. Hence, the correct usage is will be appreciated.
19. (A) Whenever there are two future actions in one sentence,  the principal clause is placed in present simple tense. Hence, the correct usage is if he does not work hard.
20. (C) The sentence denotes a past perfect action and hence, past simple already came should be replaced by had already come.
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Spot Grammatical Errors - Part 20 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 20, 2016 Direction :- Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error if any, will be in one p...

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