SSC English- Comprehension

June 29, 2016    

Practice SSC English Quiz- Comprehension Based on previous papers.

Q. Read the given passage carefully:

Nehru's was a many sided personality. He enjoyed reading and writing books as much as he enjoyed fighting political and social evils or residing tyranny.
In him, the scientist and the humanist were held in perfect balance. While he kept looking at special problems from a scientific standpoint. He never forgot that we should nourish the total man. As a scientist, he refused to believe in a benevolent power interested in men's affairs. but, as a self proclaimed non-believer, he loved affirming his faith in life and the beauty of nature. Children he adored. Unlike Wordsworth, he did not see him trailing clouds of glory from the recent sojourn in heaven. He saw them as a blossoms of promise and renewal, the only hope for mankind.

Q. Read the questions given below and answer the correct option.
Q1. Nehru thought that children
A. were tailing clouds of glory
B. held promise for a better future
C. were like flowers to be loved and admired
D. held no hope for mankind

Q2. Nehru enjoyed
A. reading and writing books
B. fighting political and social evils
C. resisting tyranny
D. doing all the above and much more

Q3. Which of the statements reflects Nehru point of view?
A. Humanism is more important than science
B. Science is supreme and humanism is subordinate to it
C. Science and Humanism are equally important
D. There is no ground between science and humanism

Q4. In this passage, 'a benevolent power interested in men's affairs' means
A. a supernatural power of god
B. beauty of nature
C. the spirit of science
D. the total man

Q5. A 'many-side personality' means
A. a complex personality
B. a secretive person
C. a person having varied interests
D. a capable person


The world's oil reserves are expected to run out by the middle of the next century unless oil consumption is reduced, according to a leading petroleum geologist from the U.S. Dr. Craig Bond Hatfield, who is at the University of Toledo, Ohio. He says the 1,000 billion barrels of known global oil reserves are expected to run out by 2036 unless the current 69 — million-barrels-per-day consumption of oil is brought down.
Reserves may last for an extra 21 years if estimates of an additional 550 billion barrels of oil yet to be discovered are taken into account. But "a permanent decline in global oil production is virtually certain to begin within 20 years." Hatfield believes, "Serious planning is needed to deal with the economic consequences".
Hatfield's comments, which appear in an article in the latest issue of the weekly science journal Nature are likely to provoke controversy. The oil industry, while acknowledging that oil reserves are finite, says Hatfield's comments are too alarmist. Mr. Julian Chisholm, a spokesman for the World Energy Council in London, a consortium of the world's leading energy suppliers, says the oil industry is bullish. "The general view of the industry and of energy experts is that there is plenty of oil, and real concern about the level of reserves, at least until 2050 if not beyond is unduly alarmist."

6. Unless consumption is reduced, that oil reserve will run out by the middle of
(a) 20th century
(b) 21st century
(c) 23rd century
(d) 24th century

7. To deal with economic consequences
(a) there should be a cut in the use of oil
(b) serious planning is needed
(c) oil exploration should be geared up
(d) manufacture of vehicles should be controlled

8. The current consumption of oil is…………million barrels.
(a) forty nine
(b) fifty nine
(c) sixty nine
(d) seventy nine

9. According to industry and energy experts, there is
(a) short supply of oil
(b) adequate supply of oil
(c) plenty of oil
(d) increase in oil use

10. Hetfield’s comment on oil reserve is
(a) not to be taken
(b) to be taken seriously
(c) to be made public in oil countries
(d) to be circulated in all oil producing countries.

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. C

SSC English- Comprehension 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 29, 2016 Practice SSC English Quiz- Comprehension Based on previous papers. Q. Read the given passage carefully: Nehru's was a many sided p...

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