Important Idioms for Competitive Exams : Idioms with Animals

June 3, 2016    

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Dear friends, yesterday we have learnt Idioms related to clothes. To day we shall learn Idioms related to Animals. Happy Reading :)

  1. This boy is a silly ass (a foolish person)
  2. She's got bats in the belfry (is mad)
  3. His letter has a sting in the tail (unpleasant part at the end)
  4. She and her husband lead a cat-and-dog life (a life with perpetual quarrels)
  5. They are making a cat's-paw of you (using you as a tool)
  6. Now you have let the cat out of the bag (revealed a secret)
  7. I haven't seen you for donkey's years (a long time)
  8. That man's a wolf in sheep's clothing (a hypocrite)
  9. In London she is like a fish out of water (out of her element)
  10. He is as clumsy as a bull in a china shop (harmful and out of place)
  11. What a cock-and-bull story that was (an incredible story told as true)
  12. She shed crocodile tears over her brother's death (insincere sorrow)
  13. The poor man leads a dog's life (a wretched, miserable life)
  14. That big chair is an absolute white elephant (unwanted possession) 
  15. Your brother is a dark horse (a successful competitor of whose abilities little was known before the contest)
  16. She's always fishing for compliments (trying to get)
  17. Your father is a spoilsport - a dog in the manger (a person who will neither enjoy something himself nor let others enjoy it)

 Shared by Bhargav Gupta Yechuri
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Important Idioms for Competitive Exams : Idioms with Animals 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 3, 2016 sponsored links Dear friends, yesterday we have learnt Idioms related to clothes. To day we shall learn Idioms related to Animals. Happy...

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