Economy Quiz : One Liner

April 14, 2016    

1. What percentage of the total population of the world resides in India, as estimated in 2011?

2. Which of the  factors is accounted in the calculation of gross Domestic Product of a country in the expenditure method?

3. Which contribution maximum Gross Domestic Product in India by the various sectors of the economy in last ten-years?

4. What is the percentage of the constituent of the population of the working age group (15-64 years) in the Indian economy?

5. Which is the main Feature  of  Pradhan Mantri Gram SadakYojana (PMGSY)?

6. Which of schemes subsumed the Valmiki AwasYojana?

7. Which of the  objective of the Special Accelerated Road Development Programme for North-East Region (SARDPNE)

8. Which of shares of the total traffic is handled by major ports in India?

9. What is the position of India in the term of proven coal reserves in the world?

10. Which of the sectors is the major contribution towards the Gross Domestic Saving in India in recent time?

Answers will be provided soon

Economy Quiz : One Liner 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 14, 2016 1. What percentage of the total population of the world resides in India, as estimated in 2011? 2. Which of the  factors is accounted ...

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