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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 5th October 2018. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Fields of concern — on MSP for kharif crops"
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Kharif - a crop that is planted before the monsoon (= the season of heavy rain during the summer) then cut and collected in autumn
- Minimum support price - the price at which government purchases crops from the farmers, whatever may be the price for the crops
- Translate into - to cause a particular situation or result
- Generous - larger than is usual or necessary
- Hike - a sudden large increase in the amount or level of something
- Rabi - the grain crop that is cut and collected in spring
- Cautious - careful to avoid problems or danger
- Tenure - the period of time during which someone has an important job or is an elected official
- Moderate - neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree
- Cereal - a food made from grain, for example wheat, oats, or corn, mainly eaten with milk for breakfast
- Safflower - a plant with leaves that have sharp points, and seeds that are used for making an oil used in cooking
- Quintal - a unit of weight equal to 100 kg
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Incumbency - an official position
- Flak - criticism and argument
- Agitation - an attempt to cause social or political changes by arguing or protesting, or through other activities
- Bolster - to make something stronger or more effective
- Credentials - personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that make someone suitable for something
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
- At the hustings - making speeches before an election to try to persuade people to vote for you
- Coincidence - a situation in which separate things happen by chance at the same time or in the same way
- Descend - to come nearer to the ground
- Cannon - a large heavy gun on a ship or tank
- Teargas - a gas used by some police and armed forces to control crowds of people. It hurts the eyes and makes them produce tears
- Instance - an example of something happening
- Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the real or basic ones, although they are not obvious or directly stated
- Agrarian - relating to or involving farming or farmers
- Distress - a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
- Merely - only / just
- Adequate - good enough or large enough for a particular purpose
- Restiveness - the quality of being unwilling to be controlled or be patient
- Fertilizer - a natural or chemical substance added to soil in order to help plants grow
- Procurement - the process of obtaining something
- Stipulate - to say what is allowed or what is necessary
- Paddy - a field of rice growing in water
- Robust - strong and successful
- Deficiency - a fault in someone or something that makes them not good enough
- Nascent - beginning or formed recently
- Holistic - thinking about the whole of something, and not just dealing with particular aspects
- Reboot - to start something again or do something again, in a way that is new and interesting
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Deter - to prevent someone from doing something
- Enhancement - the process of improving something
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Augmenting life — on Nobel Prize 2018"
- Augment - to increase the size, amount, or value of something
- Compel - to force someone to do something, or to get something from someone using force
- Evolution - the way in which something gradually changes and develops
- Parity - a situation in which different people or things are equal
- Tribute - something that you do, say, or build to show that you respect and admire someone or something
- Evolution - the way in which something gradually changes and develops
- Laureate - someone who has won a prize for their achievements, especially a Nobel Prize
- Harness - to control something, usually in order to use its power
- Synthesise - to produce a new substance as a result of a chemical or biological reaction involving two or more simpler substances
- Variant - something that is related to another thing but is not exactly the same
- Biofuel - fuel that is made from living things or from something their bodies produce, for example fuel made from cow manure
- Pharmaceuticals - medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions
- Antibody - a substance that your body produces in your blood to fight illnesses and infections
- Combat - a fight
- Autoimmune - relating to conditions and diseases in which normal cells are attacked by someone’s immune system (=parts of the body that fight disease)
- Metastatic - relating to the spread of cancer to a new place in your body
- Reaffirm - to formally and officially state something again
- Profound - very great
- Expose - not protected from the weather
- Physiology - the science that deals with the way that the bodies of living things operate
- Strategy - a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time
- Inhibit - to make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way
- Metaphorical - a metaphorical word, phrase, image etc is intended to represent or emphasize particular aspects of something else
- Immune system - the system in your body that protects you against diseases
- Thereby - as a result of this action
- Unleash - to do or to cause something that has a very powerful or harmful effect
- Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
- Proliferation - a sudden increase in number or amount
- Enhanced - made better, especially by artificial methods
- Manipulate - to influence someone, or to control something
- Optical - connected with sight or light
- Tweezers - a tool that you use for picking up or removing very small objects
- Optical holography - a method for storage and displaying a three-dimensional image of an object
- Sensory - relating to the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
- Thesis - a long piece of writing that is the final part of an advanced university degree
- Revolutionise - to completely change the way that something is done, thought about, or made
- Lasik surgery - a kind of laser eye surgery
- Ophthalmology - the scientific study of eyes and their diseases
- Stent - a long thin object put inside a tube in the body
- Introspection - the process of carefully examining your own feelings, thoughts, and ideas
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Inception - the beginning of something
- Statistic - a group of numbers that represent facts or that describe a situation
- Enabling - making something possible, especially by giving someone the skills to do it
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