Reasoning Practice Test with Solutions for IBPS RRB VI Officers & Office Assistants Exam 2017

August 12, 2017    

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IBPS RRB VI Mock Tests : Reasoning

Directions (Q.No. I - 5) : Study the given information carefully to answer the given question. 
Misha, Nia, Omi, Priti, Yami, Ria and Sweeti are seven friends live on seven different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above that is numbered 2 and so on till the top-most floor is numbered 7. Each one of them has different salary i.e. 3500, 15000, 7500, 9000, 11000, 13500 and 5000. (But not necessarily in the same order). Also they belong from different countries i.e. Poland, Australia, India, Hawaii, Mangolia, China, and Malaysia (But not necessarily in the same order). 
Misha lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the floor numbered 3 and belongs from Hawaii. The one who has income of 1000 more than the square of 100 lives immediately above Misha. Nia belongs to Poland. Only two people live between Misha and the one who has income of 7500. The one who has income of 600 more than the square of 120 lives on one of the odd numbered floors above Priti. Ria belongs from Mangolia. Only three people live bet-ween Omi and the one who has inc-ome of 15000. The one who belongs to China lives immssediately above the one who is from Australia. The one who has income of 600 less than the square of 90 lives immediately above Omi who is not from India. Ria earns 4000 more than Yami. The one who has income of multiplication of 500 and 7 lives immediately above the one who has income of 5000. Only one person lives between Nia and Yami. Nia lives on one of the floors above Yami. Neither Omi nor Misha has income of 1000 less than the square of 100. Yami does not has income of 7500. 
1. How much income Misha has ?
  1. Average of 15000 and 12000
  2. Average of 16000 and 15000
  3. Average of 15000 and 14000
  4. Average of 16000 and 14000
  5. None of these 
2. Which of the following combinations is true with respect to the given arrangement ? 
  1. 13500 - Omi 
  2. 15000 - Ria 
  3. 5000 - Sweeti 
  4. 11000 - Priti 
  5. 9000 - Nia 
3. Nia belongs to which city ? 
  1. Australia
  2. Hawaii 
  3. Poland 
  4. Mangolia
  5. India 
4. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given arrangement ? 
  1. The one who has income of 5000 lives immediately below Misha. 
  2. Ria has income of 15000. 
  3. None of the given options is true. 
  4. Only four people live between Priti and Sweeti.
  5. Sweeti lives immediately below Yami. 
5. Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 2 ?
  1. Misha
  2. The one who has income of 3500 
  3. The one whose income is multiplication of 15 and 500 
  4. Who belongs to Mangolia 
  5. Both (c) or (d)
Directions (Q.No. 6 - 10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. 
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement. 
Input : 13 cub 17 kota 25 cop 90 biscuit 
Step 1: biscuit 13 cub kota 25 cop 90 17 
Step 2: biscuit cop cub kota 25 90 17 13 
Step 3: biscuit cop kota cub 25 17 13 90 
Step 4: biscuit cop kota cub 17 13 90 25
Step 5: 40 48 11 6 50 10 81 29 
And Step 5is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the appropriate step for the given input. 
INPUT : 23 school 37 bag 55 buildings 33 hello 
6. Which element is exactly between the fourth from left and third from right in step 4 ?
  1. bag
  2. 23
  3. 55 
  4. 37 
  5. None of these 
7. Which step number would be the following output ? 
"School hello buildings bag 33 37 23 55" 
  1. Step 3 
  2. Step 4 
  3. Step 1 
  4. Step 2
  5. None of the Above 
8. What is the position of '33' in the step 3 ? 
  1. Seventh from the right
  2. Sixth from the left 
  3. Fourth from the right 
  4. Fourth from the left 
  5. None of these 
9. In step 2, what is the sum of 4th element and 6th element from left end ? 
  1. 87 
  2. 88 
  3. 64 
  4. 94 
  5. 49 
10. Which of the following would be at the third position from the left end in step 4 ? 
  1. 33 
  2. bag 
  3. buildings 
  4. 55
  5. hello
Directions (Q.No.11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions. 
Ten persons live in two different lanes one behind the another. The lanes have 5 houses each A, B, C, D and E live in lane 2 and P, Q, R, S, 16. and T live in lane 1 not necessarily in the same order. The houses are of different colors grey, green, purple, black, brown, white, orange, blue, red and yellow not necessarily in the same order. 
The orange house is just behind R's house. R and T stay at a gap of 2 houses. T's neighbouring house is just in front of the purple house. B 17. lives in the brown house which is not neighbouring the purple house. Grey house is 2nd to the left of the white house which is behind Q's house. The red house is neighbouring the yellow house and P's house. A lives in the house that is 2nd to the left of C's neighbouring house. S lives 3rd to the left of the black house. P and Q are not neighbours. A does not live in the grey or white house. E lives just 18. behind the blue house. 
11. Four of the following bear a similar relationship and hence form a group, which of the following is not a part of that group ?
  1. Green 
  2. Blue 
  3. Black 
  4. Grey 
  5. Brown 
12. Who lives in the green coloured house ?
13. In which of the following coloured houses did D live ? 
  1. Blue 
  2. Green 
  3. Red 
  4. Purple 
  5. Orange 
14. What is the colour of the house that is 3rd to the right of E's house ?
  1. Blue
  2. Orange 
  3. Brown 
  4. Black 
  5. Grey 
15. What is the position of Q's house with respect to the yellow house ? 
  1. Immediate left 
  2. Immediate right 
  3. Q lives in the yellow coloured house
  4. Exactly in front 
  5. Third to the right 
16. How many pairs of letters are there in the word SPONTANEOUS which have number of letters between them in the word one less than the number of letters between them in English alphabet ?
  1. Five
  2. One 
  3. Four 
  4. Two 
  5. Three 
17. In a row of boys facing north, Amit is 5th to the left of Ashok. Alok is 3rd to the right of Amit. Vilas is 3rd to the left of Ashok. Which of the following describes the position of Vilas ?
  1. To the immediate right of Amit 
  2. To the immediate left of Alok 
  3. To the immediate right of Alok 
  4. 3rd to the right of Amit 
  5. None of the above 
18. Q is 30 m south of P. R is 10 m east of Q. S is 30 m north of R. T is 7 m East of S. M is 12 m south of X. R is 7 m west of M. What is distance between Q and M ?
  1. 14 m 
  2. 12 m 
  3. 17 m 
  4. 24 m 
  5. 19 m
19. If A is called '2', B is called '3', C is called '5', D is called '8' and so on, then what will be the numerical value of F ?
  1. 18 
  2. 16 
  3. 17
  4. 20 
  5. None of these 
20. In an exam A, B, C, D and E scored different marks. A scored more than only E, C is lower than only B. Who got the third rank ?
  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. E

Key with Solutions :

The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step simultaneously, words are arranged from left end, and numbers are arranged from right end. 
  1. In this words are arranged in decreasing manner according to addition of place value of 1st and latest letter of the world. 
  2. Numbers are arranged in decreasing order, first all prime numbers are arranged after that non prime numbers are arranged.
  3. In the last operation, for all words, place values of the first and last letter of the word in the alphabetical series are multiplied. For all numbers, the  square of (1st and last digit) of a number are added. 
Input : 23 school 37 bag 55 buildings 33 hello
Step 1 : school 23 bag 55 buildings 33 hello 37
Step 2 : school hello bag 55 buildings 33 37 23
Step 3 : school hello buildings bag 33 37 23 55
Step 4 : school hello buildings bag 37 23 55 33
Step 5 : 228 120 38 14 58 13 50
A = 2  B = 3  C = 5
D = 8  E = 12  F = 17
B > C > D > A > E
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Reasoning Practice Test with Solutions for IBPS RRB VI Officers & Office Assistants Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 12, 2017 sponsored links IBPS RRB VI Mock Tests : Reasoning Directions (Q.No. I - 5) : Study the given information carefully to answer the giv...

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