Improve your English Set-4

May 18, 2016    

Dear Readers, Many of few have queries of how to improve your English. In this post we provide you vocabulary words and their meanings that are in news recently. It will help you in improveing your English and help in comprehensions in competitive Exams.
Improve your English
1. facile- सुसाध्य, फुरतीला, कुशल, सीधा, सुनम्य, सहज, आसान, सरल, मुलायम, मिलनसार
It is perhaps too facile to say that these planetary movements are governed by gravity.
संभवतः यह कहना बहुत ही सरल है कि ग्रहों के इन संचलनों को गुरुत्वाकर्षण द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है।

2. lambaste- बुरी तरह से फटकारना
Evening after evening, Hiro and his teammates were lambasted for their failures and shortcomings. -- Noboru Yoshimura and Philip Anderson, Inside the Kaisha
एक के बाद एक शाम को हिरो और उसके दल के साथियों को उनकी असफलताओं और कमियों के लिए बुरी तरह से फटकारा गया। -- नोबोरु योशिमुरा और फिलिप एंडरसन, इनसाइड द काइशा

3. increment- वृद्धि
As the company made huge profits this year there was a big increment in the salaries of all the employees.
इस साल कंपनी ने भारी मुनाफा कमाया और इस कारण सभी कर्मचारियों के वेतन में बढ़ी वृद्धि हुई।

4. tenacious- दृढ़
The new student's tenacious effort to learn English won him the admiration of all the teachers.
नए छात्र के अंग्रेजी सीखने के दृढ़ प्रयास ने उसे सभी शिक्षकों की प्रशंसा का हकदार बना दिया।

5. rudimentary- अर्धविकसित
The primitive tribe's tools were so rudimentary that they looked like rocks rather than tools.
आदिम जनजाति के औज़ार इतने अर्धविकसित थे कि वे औज़ारों की बजाय चट्टानों की तरह लग रहे थे।

Improve your English Set-4 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 18, 2016 Dear Readers, Many of few have queries of how to improve your English. In this post we provide you vocabulary words and their meanings that ...

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