Basics By BA: Reasoning (Coding-Decoding)

March 26, 2016    

Dear Readers,

In continuation to what we started, we are providing you another video based on CODING-DECODING. Friends, this is the time when many students are ready to graduate from their college and will search for new job opportunities. This will result in another batch of students who will start preparing for the exams for the year. So we are starting everything from the very beginning and we will constantly provide you with all the relevant materials. So go ahead and learn something new, or just revise what you already know.

Directions ( Q.1-5):Study the information below and answer the given questions:

In a certain code 
'men has mortal' is coded as ‘lo pe he'
'mortal of women' is coded as 'he zo kh'
'women in men' is coded as ‘kh ma lo' and 
'has big mortal' is coded as 'pe sy he'

1. How will 'in the men' be coded? 
(a) ma lo sy
(b) ma pe he
(c) lo he pe
(d) ma lo ki
(e) lo ma sy

2. How will 'big mortal of women' be coded? 
(a) sy zo kh ma
(b) he ma zo kh
(c) sy he pe lo
(d) sy lo zo pe
(e) None of these

3. What is the code for 'mortal'? 
(a) pe
(b) he
(c) lo
(d) sy
(e) None of these

4.What does the code ‘zo' stand for? 
(a) in
(b) men
(c) has
(d) of
(e) None of these

5.What is the code for 'women'? 
(a) kh
(b) ma
(c) Pe
(d) he
(e) None of these

Directions ( Q.6 – 10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

‘land me market’ is written as ‘ve ka ro’,
‘market for his’ is written as ‘se ve di’,
‘for variety  money’ is written as ‘ba di la’ and
‘money to me’ is written as ‘ro ba yo’

6. What is the code for ‘variety’?
(a) ba
(b) di
(c) la
(d) yo
(e) Cannot be determined

7. What does the ‘ro’ stand for?
(a) me
(b) matters
(c) money
(d) lend
(e) Either ‘to’ or ‘lend’

8. Which of the following ‘market money most?
(a) ve ba yo
(b) ve se ba
(c) ba zi di
(d) ba ka zi
(e) ba fe ve

9. What is the code for ‘land’?
(a) ve
(b) ka
(c) ro
(d) di
(e) Either ‘di’ or ‘ro’

10. What is the code for ‘to’?
(a) ba
(b) ro
(c) yo
(d) se
(e) Cannot be determined

Directions (1-5):
1.       (d)
2.       (e)
3.       (b)
4.       (d)
5.       (a)
Directions (6-10):
Code are as follows:
money – ba
Land – ka
market – ve
for – di
variety – la
his – se
8.  (e) market money most – ba fe ve

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Basics By BA: Reasoning (Coding-Decoding) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 26, 2016 Dear Readers, In continuation to what we started, we are providing you another video based on CODING-DECODING.  Friends, this is the ti...

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