English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 15th March 2016

March 18, 2016    

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Hi Friends, I am Kani. Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 15th March 2016. Happy Reading :)
Topic 1 : "Why marital rape must be a crime"
  • Marital - relating to marriage or the relations between a married couple
  • Offence - an illegal act
  • Stand - an attitude towards a particular issue
  • Context - the ​situation within which something ​exists or ​happens
  • Poverty - the state of being extremely poor
  • Myriad - a countless or extremely great number of things
  • Mindset - a person's way of ​thinking and ​their ​opinions
  • Sacrament - a religious ceremony
  • Formulation - the action of creating or preparing something
  • Ruin - to ​spoil or ​destroy something ​completely
  • Institution - a ​custom or ​tradition that has ​existed for a ​long ​time and is ​accepted as an ​important ​part of a ​particular ​society
  • Stall - stop
  • Reform - make changes in something, in order to improve it
  • Coverture - the legal status of a married woman, considered to be under her husband's protection and authority
  • Dictum - a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle
  • Guilty - responsible for ​breaking a ​law
  • Lawful - recognized by law or rules
  • Consent - permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
  • Hath - past tense of Have
  • Retract - to take back an ​offer or ​statement, etc
  • Abandoned - left
  • Progressive - happening or developing gradually or in stages
  • Sweeping - ​affecting many things / complete
  • Offences - illegal ​acts / crimes
  • Exempts - to ​excuse someone from something
  • Consensual - with the ​willing ​agreement of the ​people ​involved
  • Inherently - in natural manner
  • Consent - permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
  • Stem - originate in or be caused by
  • Notion - a ​belief or ​idea
  • Ought to - have to
  • Perceived - become aware or conscious of something
  • Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
  • Penal - relating to legal system
  • Purview - the scope of the influence of something
  • Intervene - to ​intentionally ​become ​involved in a ​difficult ​situation in ​order to ​improve it or ​prevent it from getting ​worse
  • Spouse - a husband or wife
  • Jettison - to get ​rid of something / to ​decide not to use an ​idea or ​plan
  • Implied - suggested but not directly expressed
  • Uphold - confirm or support something
  • Bodily - ​relating to the ​human ​body
  • Autonomy - freedom from external control or influence / independence

Topic 2 : "Ensure a credible clean-up in Kodaikanal"
  • Ensure - to make something sure to happen
  • Credible - convincing
  • Contaminated - poisonous / impure
  • Partial - incomplete
  • Ex gratia - sum of money paid when there was no obligation to pay it (to show good ​intentions)
  • Livelihood - the ​money ​people need to ​pay for basic needs (​food, a ​place to ​live, ​clothing, etc)
  • Enhancement - improvement
  • Disbursal - the act of spending money
  • Succour - assistance and support given to someone, ​especially someone who is ​suffering or in need
  • Setback - something that ​delays or ​prevents a ​process from ​developing
  • Culmination - the highest or climax point of something
  • Sustained - continuing for an extended period or without interruption
  • Concerned - worried
  • Plight - a dangerous, difficult, or unfortunate situation
  • Diligence - careful and persistent work or effort
  • Diligence - careful and using a lot of ​effort
  • Toxic - poisonous
  • Counterposed - set against or in opposition to
  • Obstacle - something that ​blocks you / prevents you
  • Roadblock - a barrier
  • Superficiality - never ​thinking about things that are ​serious or ​important
  • Impact - influence
  • Assessment - the ​act of ​judging or ​deciding
  • Unsustainable - not able to be maintained at the current rate or level
  • Counterproductive - having the opposite of the desired effect
  • Unresolved - not ​solved or ​ended
  • Remediation - the ​process of ​improving or ​correcting a ​situation
  • Decontamination - to ​remove ​dangerous ​substances from something
  • Contaminated - ​poisonous
  • Remediation - the ​process of ​improving or ​correcting a ​situation
  • Divergence - the ​situation in which two things ​become different
  • Transparent - open and ​honest, without ​secrets
  • Residue - a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone
  • Scrap - the metal which was thrown away for reprocessing because it is not useful
  • Endeavour - try hard to do or achieve something
  • Scrutiny - critical observation or examination
  • Crippling - to ​cause ​serious ​damage by making weak and not effective
  • Externality - ​damage caused by a company's ​activities for which it does not ​pay
  • Endured - to ​suffer something ​difficult, ​unpleasant, or ​painful

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 15th March 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 18, 2016 sponsored links Hi Friends, I am Kani . Here I am sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu dated 15th March 2016 ....

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